Ever been lucky enough to come across a Griffin?

Just now I watched a Griffin from about 800 meters away slowly saunter through the field
of everlastings.
While watching, the magnificent iridescent magenta Wing Plumage shimmered, allowing the Griffin to ascend and gracefully glide above the everlastings before making passage through the valley beyond.
Happenstance that I awoke before the memory faded

Yes, I have some very happy memories of a Griffin.It was a pub in Cardiff sadly now extinct.


The only griffins I’ve encountered were marking the boundaries of The City of London close to the Thames.
Actually although they are affectionately know as griffins in reality they’re dragons.

Still, they don’t seem to mind :blush:

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Been at the magic mushrooms again haven’t you ?


Ain’t saying nufink :smiley:

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Only in books and fantasy films. :slightly_smiling_face:

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My niece is now a Griffin. She met and married a Welsh bloke of that name while she was working in London and they live not far from me with their two kids.

They have just bought a new house which nicely demonstrates the modern living trend - a brand new 250sq m house on a 430sq metre block - by comparison I live in a 125sq m house on a 615 sq m block (the old quarter acre block)

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I have dragons, lots of them, but no griffin. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


A motley crew Tiffany, it looks more like they have you :grinning:


And Vauxhall cars…


Never had one of those make of car, so it never entered my head about it’s badge. :grinning:


One of the common makes of British cars.

Neither have I Rox. I hired one once to go to Scarborough for the New Year celebrations because we had to take Mrs Foxes Father, but I was a courier and only had a van with just two seats.
The Vauxhall was rubbish on the hills with all the luggage (Mrs Fox takes everything including the kitchen sink) and the seats weren’t very comfy either so it put me off vauxhalls.

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They sure do, Chilliboot. :grinning: :grinning:

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Rox, I think some could be on buildings too, maybe churches.
Apparently they are everywhere. :grinning:
The Griffin in Architecture and Design.

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Guess I’ll have to start looking up when I’m in both Thurso and Wick.

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