Macaroni has got several EU States to sign a declaration
issued by him , to warn UK that if it attempts to assert
it’s rights to actually manage the running of what is
legally ours to run then there will be a concerted attack
by those states to resist any changes!!
Most if not all of these states, such as Greece, Malta,
Cypress, Lithuania and such have no direct interest in the
North sea or English channel and indeed in fishing at all??
What will Boris’s response be?? He already thought he had
deferred any decisions on fishing for 5yrs, but it seems
Macaroni has decided to pre-empt him ??
This should be seen as an opportunity to to dump the whole
Brexit deal and cut ourselves free from Europe finally!!!
But l doubt that the Tory party will be able to agree to that ??
I hate to say it, BUT I TOLD YOU SO !!!
Maybe interpretation depends upon who tells what story?
Or is it just because they know they’re in the wrong re: NI and they know it?
IMHO the EU can’t have it both ways and say that we must bend rules with what was agreed regarding fishing while they insist upon sticking to the letter of rules regarding Northern Ireland.
But either way, it isn’t really worth worrying about.
Either it will get sorted or it won’t & either way isn’t going to make a huge difference to us mere mortals.
@Zaphod , But of course it will make a difference to us ?
After all, we wouldn’t let French farmers come and dig up our
potatoes and carry them away would we ??
Why do you think fishing is being so heavily defended by the EU ?
Lt is a multi billion industry to them now, and most of it comes
from our waters!!
That business could be ours once more !! And not be the relic
it has become ??
Anyone who can’t see the potential benefits of having a thriving
sustainable fishing industry again lacks imagination !!
Please don’t go getting them in a twist for something that we can do a grand sum of zero about @Donkeyman and don’t go thinking that it’s going to make much difference to you or I.
It isn’t.
Not only because nothing very much has changed so far (and how exactly has THAT affected you?) but your “potential benefits” are just that and are only potential, not real.
It’s all “what if” and “maybe”; supposition.
It would need a huge change from the industry to make even a small difference to our economy or to anything else, and surely by now you’ve already seen that our industry are somewhat averse to change?
But also because our climate is changing and the fish that were once a traditional mainstay for our country are moving from their traditional waters thanks to climate change.
We’re probably better off changing our laws to allow fishing for Bluefin tuna than bickering about already-depleted stocks of varities of fish that will never again be fished in the quantities seen in years past.
But it’s a contentious issue where people will naturally have differing stances.
You’re welcome to yours just as I would hope that you can respect mine, but this is as far as I’m going to discuss the subject because from past experience it only leads to increasing bitterness and I’m sure that neither of us really wants to see that again.
I hate to say this, but the wise folk who could see the folly of Brexit could have TOLD YOU SO!.
There may have been an ideological argument for leaving the EU, but certainly not an economic one.
Yeah but you don’t care about sovereignty.
Not stirring anything - you don’t care about your own territorial waters and are happy to give them to the EU.
So much for your claims of wanting a sovereign country.
Thats a big pot of hypocrisy your stirring.
@Harbal , But we have not left the EU yet Harbol, we signed an
agreement to carry on much the same for supposedlyneconomic
reasons, and look what happened ??
All the result of not following through !!
We ended up with a half cocked cocked deal, neither fish nor
fowl( ha! ha!)
We still have to complete our reclamation of our territory and
repulse EU’s attempts to strip northern Ireland from the UK ??
What about the billions we paid in membership fees ??
Yes, quite a tangle we’ve got ourselves into.
We need a better government
I don’t think you quite understand the situation, Bread. The EU has got far more chips to bargain with than we have. We will always be the under dog, a better government won’t change that.
@Bread ,. I’m waiting to see if Boris lets Frosty down again
over the NI Protocol after the EU’s crafty attempt to keep
NI under the ECJ cosh tonight ?
If he can’t stand up to them over this then there is no chance
of him making a stand over our fishing grounds either !!
Unfortunately Boris does not have the support of the majority
within his own party to bring anything to a head over Brexit as
the next few days will show ? He has even brought the members
of the ERG,( remember them?) to heel !!
Like what ?