English Is A Crazy Language!

Brit? Or did you mean brick? Engrish really is amazing/crazy.:smiley:

Hi again OldGreyFox and thank you, first of all for accepting my friend’s request, and secondly,for replying twice to this thread. :slight_smile:

It’s funny that most of us speak English all the time but never really think about the composition of the words that we use, and a lot of them certainly can be described at quite ‘barmy’.I’m glad that you enjoyed reading about them as much as I did.

No problem Cherie, I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to reading more of you…:cool:

My Cherie Bmour.:lol:

Ah ‘Barmy’ probably derived from the first loonybin situated in Barming in Kent in the 19th century (I think).

Then there is ‘Cretin’ derived from Christian for obvious reasons :wink:

Hi there Bruce, your talking about Barming reminded me of another saying about “barmy” people - “He’s one stop short of East Ham” which is “Barking!” (Of course we’re talking Tube Stations here!) :wink: :smiley: