Energy: SMART Meters

we had a meter on our LPG gas tank at the kennels. The idea was it would send a radio signal to the suppliers when the tank needed refilling. 3 replacement meters later and constant phone calls from us they gave up. seems where we were the signal wasn’t received, a total waste of time with that bit of kit anyway. Suppose smart meters work the same way in sending energy usage to the supplier.

Same here Foxy.
They have repeatedly asked me and I have refused.


No smart meter for me.

I do have one of these and it has saved me a mint.

I would say so as well Speed.
Thank you for your replies already folks.
And I think the case against having a smart meter installed is proven right there! :twisted:

Yes Swim.
I have the NEST which is very similar, and has saved us a mint also.

I said no to a SM simply because the man from Scottish Power told me that my kitchen units would need to be taken out in order to access the gas meter. I could not see my landlord agreeing to that, hence my no.

No smart meters here , they are a total waste of money :roll:

I don’t need a meter to tell me when I am using appliances and to turn things off, I can’t afford to waste energy.

I already read my own meter every month and submit the reading so my energy supplier gains nothing from my having a meter.

Same here Meg, only I do mine quarterly just before the bill is due so I know it is accurate.
I won’t pay estimated bills.

I generate my own bills Mups :slight_smile: I can put in a meter reading and generate one instantly so I am able to keep track of usage. I do it once a month.

What a good idea. :023:
Are you with British Gas?


Same here Meg, takes about thirty seconds a month, I dislike the prospect that tariffs could be changed remotely or supply could be restricted, without entering a property.

I too read both of my meters every month and manage the DD from the readings. I have both electric and gas with Scottish Power.

You are obviously already doing the right things in respect of handling your energy supplier Meg.
Good on you. :smiley:

Thanks to Realist I decided not to have one installed he told us all the negatives too. I keep refusing from Southern Electric and will keep saying no,.

Mups :slight_smile: I am with OVO still

Another definite NO here.
When I was first invited to have one, I researched all the pros and cons and disvovered mostly cons, so I ignore the frequent attempts to try to persuade me to have one.

Me too!
I think OVO is a great supplier with good prices.
Also we keep our credit topped up to around £1,500.
Because we have been with them for over 3 years we get 5% interest on up to the first £1,000 in the account.
Better than any bank that is! :smiley:

Boozer :slight_smile: I have been with them for a few years and get 5% interest on my balance too. I pay the same DD each month so go into the winter with a health balance :slight_smile:

So it is true Meg.
Great minds think alike! :lol:

The thing is that if one has over a £1,000 in their account during the whole year then this is worth £50 a year interest.
That is done automatically so this is good.
By the way Meg.
Did you receive the very recent offer for a two year price fix?
I did.
And I have done just that! :smiley:

I have a water meter, which I must admit has saved me a hell of a lot of money, now my water company has informed me that they need to replace it with a SMART water meter, I have two weeks to make a decision before they come knocking on the door.
It looks like failure to update to the new meter means reverting back to an unmetered water supply thus increasing my water bill.

So I am between a rock and a hard place