Bumping this up - it seems there is a campaign of outright lying by the authorities who are supposed to be informing us re Smart Meters. Just to reiterate, Smart Meters are OPTIONAL not MANDATORY in the UK!!
At 09:47 on March 7, 2015, the Communications Director for Smart Energy GB — the government body tasked with “ensuring customers understand smart meters” – appeared on the BBC One Breakfast show and told viewers that every home in the UK would need to have a smart meter fitted by 2020 – a colossal untruth.
The following transcript was recently obtained by Stop Smart Meters! UK directly from the BBC complaints desk and shows the exchange between Smart Energy GB’s Claire Maugham and presenter Charlie Stayt:
[Time stamp 09:47, 7 March 2015]:
CHARLIE STAYT: How do you get one [a smart meter]?
CLAIRE MAUGHAM: They are being installed by energy suppliers and they are being installed at no extra cost to the consumer.
CHARLIE STAYT: So, you just call up your supplier and say “I’d like one” and they are obliged to give it to you?
CLAIRE MAUGHAM: You need to contact your supplier. Some of them have already started installing them and there are already one million of them out there, but they have to install them in 100% of homes by 2020. {emphasis added]
As we have repeatedly revealed throughout our campaign against the now “widely hated” smart meter roll-out, energy companies are commonly lying to customers in order to dupe them into thinking that smart meters are obligatory, when in fact smart meters are voluntary; a fact confirmed by the Government as well as by consumer group Which?.
Now we have evidence of where energy firms are getting their misleading ammunition – from the government-created body tasked with “helping customers to understand smart meters”. The body whose communications director, Claire Maugham, is prepared to go on national television and make the same provably false claims as the industry whose dirty work she is doing.
The need to expose the facts about the smart meter programme – which the Institute of Directors recently blasted as being “unwanted by consumers, devoid of credibility and mind-blowingly expensive” – is today more pressing than ever. Not only is the readiness to lie about smart meters endemic within the energy industry but now, seemingly, state-sanctioned.
Stop Smart Meters! UK is urgently calling for this programme to be terminated, for Claire Maugham to issue a public apology and for the BBC to issue a full retraction and correction to Maugham’s misinformation.
Stop Smart Meters! UK is a grassroot campaign raising awareness about how 'smart’ meters affect our health, privacy, safety, security and utility bills.
Original link to this story: stopsmartmeters.org.uk/smart-energy-gb-c...n-bbc-one-breakfast/