Endurance22, The search for Shackleton's Endurance

In 1914 Ernest Shackleton set out on the Imperial trans Antarctic Expedition otherwise known as the Endurance expedition after the ship. Before even reaching land the ship became frozen in pack ice in the Weddell sea in Antarctica and was slowly crushed in the ice and subsequently sank to the sea floor. Shackleton then led his crew on a survival mission over hundreds of miles. Using lifeboats they had rescued from Endurance they managed to reached Elephant Island. Shackleton then embarked on an 800 mile journey on one of the lifeboats with some of the crew to South Georgia where they then had to cross a 32 mile mountain range in order to reach Grytviken a whaling station to summon help to rescue the crew. Shackleton was then able to rescue all 27 members of the crew in August 1916.

In September 2021 the Endurance22 expedition will be returning to the Weddell sea in order to search for the wreck of the Endurance and the below link will allow you to sign up for free updates on the expedition they are also offering again for free for Schools to sign up and join them on a virtual expedition with live videos and updates in the there search for the Endurance. posting just in case this is of interest to anyone on the site. I will be following with great interest.



Is this something that only men like doing? - searching for sunken ships in the frozen seas of Antarctica?

Why d’you say that Gummy ?

Can’t see the point of it all meself - it’s not Endurance anymore - it didn’t endure in the first place - so they are goin to search for a pile of broken wood covered up in ice? weird

I have read his story.A really remarkable man.

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I’ve signed up! I learnt about this in History class!


Yes, I’ve just read that also, his expeditions sound really interesting, something I will read up on, as I’m now retired and have plenty of time on my hands.:+1:

I saw a docudrama about the ill-fated mission and how Shackleton ventured out looking for help, leaving some of his colleagues behind. They didn’t expect to be rescued and settled themselves down to die. A truly heroic effort on Shackleton’s part.

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Makes me feel cold just reading about it .

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