Emoji quiz 2

can you work out the films from the collection of emoji’s below?

  1. Edward Scissorhands
    Clockwork Orange
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  1. Snakes on a plane
    6- Perfect storm
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  1. Bugs
  1. Bridesmaids
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sorry please a little more needed for No2 bugs

  1. It’s a bugs life?
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  1. Polar Express
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[quote=“Feey, post:1, topic:92668, full:true”]
can you work out the films from the collection of emoji’s below?

4 Apollo 13

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7 The Blair Witch Project

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8 The Ring

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  1. Snakes On A Plane
  2. A Bugs Life
  3. Bridesmaids
  4. Apollo 13
  5. A Clockwork Orange
  6. Perfect Storm
  7. Blair Witch Project
  8. The Ring
  9. Polar Express
  10. Edward Scissor Hands

all guessed correctly well done everyone this round is now finished