
Yes Alan im aware its fiction but it would be nice if they made it more true to life they must think the viewers are a load off idiots.

I agree to a point but it went off the road for me when they had a blind cleaner, loved Kitty to death but even she must have wondered at the idea of a blind person working in an industrial setting cleaning a factory.

Yes Julie that really peeved me off a blind cleaner where was health and safety what if she had slipped and fallen while cleaning absolute rubbish?

Did anyone know poor old Edna has died - in real life I mean.

Saw it in todays paper. She had a short battle with cancer apparently.

RIP Edna.

How sad, she was a very believable character in the show.:frowning:

Yes, it was put up in the appropriate thread yesterday.
I say appropriate, cos I’m having a senior moment and can’t remember the proper title.

Oh, I never saw it, thanks Jazzi.

I wonder how Edna (the character) will depart Emmerdale?

I can’t recall seeing her for a while, can you?

No but she has had rests periodically for some time, I assumed it was because she was aging but perhaps she wasn’t so well

All actors/actresses have to take a rest as not every single character needs to be in every episode. You can go weeks with thinking ‘oooh, where’s so and so? Not seen them for awhile.’

Why, for example, does ‘Lisa’ keep nipping off to see to Granny Clegg? Does she have other commitments in real life?

Be interesting to see how Charley Webb will be written out for her maternity leave.

Ah yes, I had spotted the conveniently placed handbags and also a glimpse of what appeared to be a bump. I expect she will either leave what’s-his-face and move away or they will both move away to get away from Emma whom she despises.

It could have been. Although, I get the feeling from the vague reports given that she didn’t really have time to fight the cancer, as it would have killed her very soon after diagnosis (my reading between the lines of the wording “short battle with cancer”).

Interestingly it hasn’t been revealed what type of cancer it was either.

Either way, Edna will be missed by viewers in Emmerdale and by her colleagues too.

Cancer is cancer, I wouldn’t have thought it necessary to reveal all the details, enough to acknowledge her death from the disease than expect chapter and verse

Isn’t Charley Webb married to the guy that plays David?
I wonder if Charity will come back before she goes.

Yes they got back together again after they broke up this baby seems very quick after that.

Yes, I wasn’t even aware they had got back tomorrow.

? ? ? did you mean ‘together’ Jazzi? :smiley:

Whaaaaaat?! What have I typed here? Yes, yes yes, it’s ‘together’!

Thank you.

You know the “real” families they have at the beginning and break time, well which is the White family in Emmerdale?
Oh and what is it that’s weird about the boy in the “real” Whites? I can’t work out if he has an odd coloured fake tan or odd hair.