Funny thing is this property sat next to where I worked. The city must have cited him 100 times to clean it up. Finally, they threaten to bull doze the property. The owner started cleaning it up. He had several big rig trailers on the property, you can see one in the background of the first photo. He had a guy coming and hooking up to the trailers and pulling them off. So when a tow truck came and got the Edsel no one gave it a thought. Turns out it was a thief who took advantage of the situation. In this case I say good show to the thief. Any one who would let a car sit and rot doesn’t deserve it. IMHO
While it is said to see something as beautiful as old school engineering and design go to waste 9they just don’t make 'em like they used to) I do find something aesthetically beautiful about urban decay…there is a tragic, romantic beauty in it…or am I on my own there?