I love fountain pens. They might be the most eco-friendly pens, but they’re not easy to get in the stores I shop.
I’ve been using Crayola markers and Papermate Flair pens. They’re great but run out fast and have to be thrown out.
I looked around for some alternatives and found this article. There are no great alternatives because most pens use a combination of plastic and metal. But there are a few that are slightly better than others.
There’s a Pilot pen that is made out of recycled water bottles. There are some pens made out of cork or bamboo or cardboard.
Have you tried any eco-friendly pens?
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No point, now paperless is on the horizon.
I’ve used fountain pens, but when the last one fell apart/packed up several years ago I just used ballpoint pens
Like many children, my kids had a thing about pens & pencils, so I have loads to work through, in fact some of them have dried up and I haven’t been able to recover them
I also have a wooden bodied ballpoint pen, made by an acquaintance who does wood turning.
Search t’Net or go to a craft fair if you fancy one.
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I too own and use fountain pens and when one needs a new bladder, I overhaul the pen and that includes fitting a replacement bladder. Rather than buying a traditional latex type, I now use silicone rubber which will see me out and prolly my grandchildren too.
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Gee butterscotch for a minute or two you really had me full of enthusiasm because I do a great deal of writing and like you have found it harder & harder to find suitable pens.
I was STUNNED to say the least to see just how expensive the pens by almost every supplier on that list really are.
And THEN the ultimate KILLER for me was that last one … $250 US dollars for ONE pen. ARE THEY INSANE or just showing the ultimate in greed.
Only 2-3 days ago I was once again on the hunt for USABLE black writing pens, but despite some helpful staff in a couple of stores, could not find what I wanted,
In the end rather than run out completely I settled on a pack of 10 “plain vanilla ballpoint pens” They’re ok… stem/shaft is a bit slim so have already tried swapping the core but without success.
Many years ago I stopped buying fountain pens of any brand & type after so many dismal failures including the inevitable leaking pens that cost me a number of expensive shirts.
So compared to the $250 plus for one single pen, what did it cost me for this pack of 10 ball point pens ??
Well it was $2.50 for the lot - which I’ve just realised ( seriously ) is sorta??? similar to that one pen above.
The difference is that I got 10 pens instead of 1… and… at 1 hundredth of the price per unit. DUH ???

as much as I agree with you in principle I’m afraid you are just going to have to put me on your list of failed converts on this occasion until such time as the manufacturers extract their … ( censored ) 
It appears that to go ‘Eco’ means you don’t mind paying a King’s ransom for things…
My priorities are saving brass (what would you expect from a Yorkshireman?) The planet will manage okay without my help, and being as I’m only renting space on it for the 70-80-or 90 years that I’ll be making use of it’s amenities, it’s not my concern…
Perhaps the bloke (or company) that made the Earth will be better positioned to help with any enquiries as to it’s maintenance…