Early Election Campaign

Yeah right, I can see them voting themselves out of a job earlier than absolutely necessary.

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Vlad the impaler. Who will get spiked first.


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I am not allowed to respond😂

An interesting article Cinders. Although it focused on the Tories, the lack of the role of Labour’s own position and activities, for me, was an unfortunate omission.

I thought I’d just ‘Bob in’ and have a quick skem, but I found myself reading it until the end.
What an interesting and exact piece of writing, although there were a couple of long words I didn’t understand (I’m only a secondary school educated miners son from Yorkshire) But it certainly made a lot of sense to me, and just shows how we are manipulated by the politicians aided by the media to abandon long held beliefs.
So where do we go from here I ask myself?
Those long held beliefs prevented me from voting for Boris and the conservatives despite me wanting to exit the EU so I voted for some no hoper from some obscure independent party.
I had thought about not voting at all in the next general election, but I enjoy the walk down to the polling station, so I shall select some other ‘no hoper’ and vote for them. I couldn’t possibly vote for labour after the mess the last lot left us in. And I don’t like the look of the slimey Sir Keir…Although his thoughts on nationalising the energy companies sounds like a plan…He might also consider Transport and utilities also, there is far too much foreign interference in national institutions already and I doubt that will change anytime soon.

Despondent from…Doncaster … :slightly_frowning_face:

Update - 455,282 signatures

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Huge numbers are signing this it seems, in such a short space of time…I wonder if they are genuine signatures? They should all be at work…grafting :joy:

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There are over 1,530,000 registered unemployed in the UK - perhaps it’s them … :question:

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Are they up and about at this time? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Oh hush my mean mouth!

It could be them, if the govt are making cutbacks on welfare, then yes, i could see a lot of them signing up.

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Save the Children estimates there are over 870,000 stay-at-home mums in England who would prefer to work if they could arrange good quality childcare which is convenient, reliable and affordable. That’s half of all out of work mums in the country.

Perhaps it’s them … :question:


Perhaps Putin has used a load of conscripts to create false email addresses and got them to vote.

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Yes childcare is a huge issue - even up here. This needs to be addressed (along with a myriad of other things)

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Well whaddya know? Nadine has come to the rescue

Her attack on Truss will have given the new cabinet a degree of credibility which wasn’t there before Nadine opened her mouth.


Liz Truss - “Let me be perfectly clear, there will be no General Election”

24 hours later

Sky News Breaking… :joy:


She sneezed when Thatcher spoke, and only heard “This lady is for turning”

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509,620 signatures

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547,330 signatures

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Wow! That’s over twice as many people as have watched RS’s famous Rhino Run video.

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