E-Book or Traditional Book?

So, it seems there’s consensus - we all prefer traditional books. I thought perhaps I’m old fashioned but it seems that I’m not :slight_smile:

Oh and plus books never run out of battery.

Yes,I think you are, like the rest of us on an over 50’s forum :slight_smile:

Yes, I didn’t think of that - major bonus :mini:

You’d be surprised. I know a few hip older folk who swear by their Kindle. Clearly, I’m in the right forum…

Provided you come out with the same number of pages as you went in with, then others cant complain too much;-)

I don’t mind or prefer either but my ereader holds 100s of books and can go anywhere with me, so much more convenient. (and it has a light!)

Having said that the last three books I have read were hardbacks as it happened.

Oh and my ereader has never run out of battery, it lasts for months and I can recharge it in my car.

Mine is a Sony, not fond of Kindle they just seem to be a crippled Android tablet.

We have 12 book cases in our house 7 of them are floor to ceiling. So you can guess my preference. :slight_smile: my wife was given a kindle as a b day gift. She used it once.

I bought one of the original Kindles but as I now have the iPad with the Kindle app, the original device is all but redundant and confined to a drawer somewhere.

You are right Dex. Nothing worse than reading a book and finding some pages missing or worse :slight_smile:

Well looks like I’m very much in the minority here! I have a Kindle Paperwhite - not a tablet, it’s a dedicated E-reader and the battery lasts for weeks. I have hundreds of books on it and it’s so easy to pop in even my smallest handbag. But even if I don’t take it with me, I have the Kindle reader on my iPhone, so I am never, ever without my book to read.

Yes, I read the odd ‘real’ book now and then, usually if someone buys me one for my birthday or Christmas, but there really is nothing like the convenience and ease of reading electronically. I can never lose my page, if I forget who a character is, I can do an immediate search in the book and find out, I can increase the size of the print in an instant if my eyes are feeling a little strained and, best of all, if we ever manage to go on holiday again, I can take hundreds of books with me without using up any space in my suitcase!

I read books for their content, not their appearance or feel, and I can get just as lost in an e-book as I can in a print book. I honestly think my Kindle is one of the best techy devices I have ever bought!

Traditional paper-based books for me.

I like an ebook because it is easier to handle, lightweight, turn pages. My only beef is I can’t look back and check something I have read or half missed
several pages back. but I can read library books without entering a library - just download them.

You can bookmark pages if you want to. (Bookmark isn’t the word my ereader uses but I can’t think of it off hand)

Real books. As a kid I would go the the library and book stores alike. I love the smell of a new book. There’s just no substitute. It really not important which one as long as you’re reading. Expanding your mind.:lol::lol:

Yes, exactly. My Kindle has a little flag/bookmark icon that I can tap to bookmark a page. And anyway, you can go back a few pages to check something, just by tapping the left hand side of the page - it’s exactly the same as tapping the right hand side to turn over to the next page. I do this regularly!