Duchess Of York has cancer operation

Well she has freeloaded off the RF and indirectly off the taxpayer who actually own Royal Lodge for several decades now .
As she has recently purchased a up £5 million apartment in Mayfair she is not exactly on the streets :slightly_smiling_face:

Has she had a mastectomy?

I assumed that with it being caught early she would just have had the lump removed…

Hi it’s difficult to say whether single or double mastectomy , it depends what paper you read .

I don’t think showing some compassion for a person suffering from cancer could really be described as ‘fawning’ - maybe you should consult a dictionary before making such hyperbolic statements m’dear :relaxed:


Maybe you should consider the true meaning of compassion .
Compassion is not only showing by words -
After all Sarah Ferguson is unlikely to be on this forum - she is not a friend .
So the compassion is not being ‘shown ‘to anyone other than members of this forum .

Compassion is actually doing something to help someone .
Otherwise its just a form of virtue signalling …

Sorry Muddy but this is untrue.
The definition of compassion is : sympathy, pity and concern for the suffering or misfortunes of others.

It doesn’t necessarily involve ‘doing’ something to ‘help’ someone and most often isn’t.

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I said the TRUE meaning of compassion .
The TRUE meaning of compassion is when you can relate to someone’s situation and DO SOMETHING to help them .

Otherwise it’s just words and words are cheap .

Thinks of the Good Samaritan he didn’t just see the man and say I’m so sorry you have been mugged and robbed .

He picked him up took him to an inn , paid his bill and left funds with the innkeeper to keep him until he got better .

That is compassion .

A little diversion which is right up my street, love to chat but also listen. It works. :smiley:

What a nice idea .
Similar to the ‘buddy benches ‘ they have in some schools.

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Any old bench will do lick of paint and job done.

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From Oxford dictionary
1. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.“the victims should be treated with compassion”

2/. The definition of compassion, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is the "sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate

Even with a desire to alleviate it, isn’t that why people pray and/or ask for prayers or special thoughts or consideration to the one suffering?

The main thing to consider here is that Fergie most likely didn’t ask for others to pray for her or send positive thoughts her way. The paparazzi most likely leaked out the news so why would anyone be upset from finding this news out? She’s not asking for people to send her flowers or special boxes of bon bons either :woman_shrugging:lol


Really if anyone wants to send prayers and good wishes to Sarah Ferguson they are free to do so .
No need to advertise the fact .
Or accuse other people of lack of compassion if they don’t .
In fact unless she’s on this forum which I very much doubt it’s a complete waste of .time .
I am sure her ex Andrew will supply the flowers and chocs.:grinning:

Well if that’s true it’s a complete waste of all our time to discuss anyone in the news .

Your earlier post re Fawning .
I don’t believe fawning has anything to do with expressing sympathy …especially where serious illness is concerned

Ok I get your point you don’t like the women , neither do I but can still expressed sympathy without becoming a sycophant

Nice portrait of her, warts 'n all (I mean wrinkles)

I haven’t seen a pic of her in yonks.

At lease she hasn’t had herself botoxed and pumped full of skin fillers like some of those so called celebrity women do.


They couldn’t cadge enough money off Jeffrey Epstein