Driving blind at night?

I do not mean with a blind fold :see_no_evil:
No, driving through unfamiliar territory trying to get home.
Spent several hours at the beach then several hours at Bold Park, a Eucalypt woodland in the suburbs of Perth.
Driving home in the dark, in traffic, telling myself, Keep going north and every now and then east and I will arrive at my destination.
Done okay for the most part.
Only two wrong turns saw me come out 2 km’s north of where I wanted to be.:slightly_smiling_face:


Some local roads around here that have been travelled thousands of times, take on a whole new sensation when it is pitch black and raining, although you know every twist and turn, there is something unnerving about driving into total blackness

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Nice one Omah, I was unaware of that tracks existence.


Reminds me of a time when the lights went on my motor bike.Pitch black Welsh country lane.I was tempted to ditch it and walk but did proceed at a cautionary 3mph until I reached civilization.

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Scary when the lights go out. I have experienced that once as well in my car.
Out on a country road, lights went out whilst travelling at 80kmh. Pitch black instantly, braking to a halt, I ended up off the road but not by much. Soft road edges, skidded slightly sideways.
Total blackness until my eyes became used to the dark. I too, very slowly proceeded, covering up the dash lights to be able to see out the windscreen.
Made it to town, and town light. Saw no police.

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