I did one that I showed on the old OFF, printed off on glossy paper at A3 size - cost me a whole pound, hehe! Yes I might look at that as a wee project…or even get them on cards to give out, ha!
Yes surprising isn’t it. I’m not just a pretty face you know
Pretty…did you actually say pretty…is there an emoji for hysterical?
Its a bit difficult to see your face behind that mask of yours, but your drawing skill is amazing, I am impressed!
I love these Pixie! They make wonderful abstract art and would definitely work as wall art printed out large. I used to play about with photography like this, but don’t these days. I remember photographing water drops on a CD to get a rainbow effect - that was fun too, but I can’t even remember now how I achieved it. I’m pretty sure I used a macro lens, and it’s all about getting the light source at the right angle to the CD, but beyond that it’s all a bit of a fog!
Oooh thats interesting, Sheba…I might give that a go at the weekend I love the rainbow colours on a CD!
I’m sure you’ll be able to find out the exact method from Mr Google
Beautiful Di!
Yes he is very Talented…Silly, but talented.
Nobody is perfect!
Hey Minx I’ll have you know the captain is perfect.
Ok maybe not, Di is right I m silly🤡