Donald Trump shares bizarre Mother's Day post with no mention of Melania

Donald Trump’s has shared an oddly phrased Mother’s Day message to his social media site, Truth Social, with no mention of Melania. The former President did, however, manage to include the phrase “Radical Left Fascists” (sic) in the unusual post.

On Truth Social, he wrote:

“Happy Mother’s Day to ALL, in particular the Mothers, Wives and Lovers of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists who are doing everything within their power to destroy and obliterate our once great Country. Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder, Gentler, Softer and, most importantly, Smarter, so that we can, quickly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!”

One for the mugs … :roll_eyes:

Trump knows full well that whatever drivel he posts on his inaptly named “Truth Social” will be picked up and shared by journalists and reported in many media outlets, thus ensuring his drivel is reported worldwide - even to those of us who would not ever look at his website.

The more outrageous his posts, the more widely they are shared and reported, thus magnifying whatever “audience” his tin-pot website has - and getting his messages out there is costing him nothing in advertising.

Who’s the Mug there?

What goes down on Truth Social should stay on Truth Social, in my opinion - his membership is very small.
If I wanted to see all his horrible comments, I would go on that site - all those who share the drivel he posts on his own site are the mugs for falling for his ploy to get people talking about him and repeating his words.

I can’t stand the man - but he is not just a stupid oaf - there is usually a purpose behind everything he does.


Yes, he’s just publicity whore, making weird and offensive statements to keep himself in the spotlight

And the thing is, with all publicity whores, just like Katie Hopkins, the law of diminishing returns applies

They say something weird and outrageous, get noticed, but that wears off and people get used to them and drift on to the next thing

So the next time, they’ve got to say something even weirder and more outrageous to get the same attention

He’s a misogynist to the core though, isn’t he?

Much as he hates all the nasty Lefties, Commies and fascists, it’s obviously their mothers who are really in the wrong for not sorting them out! :rofl:

Obviously, America isn’t great again because these slacker mothers aren’t pulling their weight ………

Vile man best just ignored


So do I


Goodness me :roll_eyes: …he never learnt engage brain.


That’s OK , you’re allowed.:rofl:

I hate all the nasty Righties, Capitalists and Fascists

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If he’s got a brain it’s damaged and twisted, but I don’t think it’s just that

There’s a lot of dumb cunning there and he knows how to manipulate and appeal to a certain type


Fancy getting that ghastly message on Mother’s Day :joy:
It’s enough to put you off your special day !


I’m disappointed to be seeing new threads about the orange one


Radical left fascists ? That would be someone in the centre then??? Like a Lib Dem.


These radical left fascists are also known as the woke.

Trump is right and Melania Trump is not his mother so why would he wish her happy mothers day ?

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There is so much hatred of Trump, mostly by women, borne out of the vicious propaganda and biased reporting from the MSM, that emotions are getting in the way, and restricting any worthwhile discussion on the subject.

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I suppose those who hate him believe they have good reason and that it’s down to what he does and the words that come out of his own mouth, not propaganda or biased reporting?

And I think it’s important to have strong emotions about the difference between right and wrong and important issues, those emotions make discussions more worthwhile

Do women hate him more than men, though, or is that just your perception?

Because conflating women’s political opinions with emotions not logic and saying that means no worthwhile discussions are to be had with them could be taken as a tad misogynistic! :rofl:


It depends on your definition of fascist, I suppose

I think it’s the Rabid Right, like Trump, who are the fascists :rage:

Fascism is a right-wing ideology, so “Radical Left Fascist” is a contradiction in terms and typical of the meaningless nonsense Trump and his fans spout

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Hence my (sic) in the OP … :wink:

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What’s the difference between Stalin and Hitler???

Stalin had a bigger moustache?


Stalin was a communist and Hitler was leader of the Nazi party.

The definition of fascism…
Britannica Dictionary definition of FASCISM. [noncount] 1. or Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government . the rise of Fascism in Europe before World War II.

It’s where the UK is going…By stealth.

That sounds a lot like Stalin and Mao

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