I could think of so many captions for that photo!!
Why the long ties?
Oh its probably a sign of dominance I think, Omah
Dominance … and fertility, possibility …
Not in my book he won’t
I would have alluded to that, but I couldn’t do it politely…!
Hmm … I’d be hard pressed to decide who has the most flattering hairstyle.
And a recommendation from Trump is like a nail in the coffin for any leader.
Has BJ just “trumped” …
No Omah. He just smells as if he has because of all the crap he washes around in.
I made a comment once on a YT video concerning Trumps inauguration. I mentioned that in the UK, Trump was a word we used for passing wind, and was that a bad sign for the US for the next four years? Oh the vile comments I received for that…I should have copied & pasted them to repost when Trump actually left.
BJ - Manspreader …
IIRC, in the USA, “gas” refers to “wind”, petrol and gas …
That’s not saying much!
I agree with everyone here. The statement above that he made says it all…it’s touting what he imagines he accomplished. Forget BJ, it was another way to pat himself on the back. It is the only thing Trump seems to do well.
Americans wondered about this for a year. Then, we had a true “lightbulb moment” (us, not Trump. His bulb has been blown for decades and hasn’t been replaced)
He is considered the king of distraction, as he wants to be king of something.
The long tie distracts us so we focus on that. Otherwise, he has shortcomings from his brain to the end of his feet. Clever bugger, or so he thinks.
Two minds but with a single thought. (Me)
Is that the still from the new dumb and even dumber film…?
I think that who said it and who they said it about leaves no need for any further comment.
Even Churchill had his wilderness years yet he came back. Boris hasn’t always got it right but then again which of us has. He has the right instincts and I think he will prevail. If he doesn’t at least he will have given it his best shot. You can tell by the way he has visibly aged while he has been PM. I don’t know any other PM who has had such a baptism of fire which his enemies continue to exploit.