Why are mainly younger people saying it would be bonkers to give pensioners £1000 more a year?
Don’t they like us, do they resent us, or just want us dead!
Reading some of the comments in the article below, pensioners get a rough ride!
Why are mainly younger people saying it would be bonkers to give pensioners £1000 more a year?
Don’t they like us, do they resent us, or just want us dead!
Reading some of the comments in the article below, pensioners get a rough ride!
Well it’s the young who have to pay for our “pensions” out of their taxes so who can blame them?
I didn’t moan, or resent when l paid towards their great-grandparent’s pensions.
There is a lot more of us now and we are living too long .
I do think it’s unfair that restoring the triple lock will increase the state pension by over 10%
While people in work are being told to accept pay cuts, no pay rise or that we can’t afford such a pay rise for the public sector transport workers etc
A lot of pensioners are rich, wealthy or comfortably off and don’t really need this increase
Whereas many working young people are really struggling to make ends meet while having to fund this increase for pensioners who don’t need it
If belts have to be tightened, then that should apply to pensions as well
The Boomer generation means that we have an age top heavy population, living longer and needing more and more expensive NHS treatment and care. The oldies were less of a burden and for a shorter time in our day
And it all has to be paid for from the taxes of the young, working long hours and with little hope of owning their own home. Plus the prospect of not being able to draw their own state pension until they are at least 68, maybe 70 while a lot of people drawing state pensions now were able to retire at 60/65
I don’t think for one minute that all that youngsters hate us, or want us to die!
But I can understand them feeling it’s very unfair
Of course not all pensioners are well off, and many are struggling terribly
But I think instead of a pension increase for everybody, including the rich, they should target the help on those that really need it, maybe by lowering the threshold for pension credit
And raising the tax threshold which would help pensioners with enough private pension who have to pay tax but also help lower paid working people
And limit any state pension increase to whatever percentage is given on average to the public sector/nhs/transport workers etc
It’s not fair that all pensioners get a bigger pay rise than those in work
Sod them.
Maree, l think you need to think more of people that are less well off than you are. Especially, single pensioners trying to pay the same bills as two pension couples.
didn’t we when working help to pay the pensioners before us?
Both my grandfathers never made pension age not did my husbands father .
The pension age of 65 for men was rarely reached ,
Yes, but proportionately, there were less of them, and more of us to pay
It’s our age top heavy population that’s the problem
And people didn’t live as long then, so drew their pension for a shorter time.
And for the most part they didn’t have much else coming in
But now, thanks to the property boom etc, a lot of pensioners are a lot better off than the working youngsters who are forking out taxes to pay for their state pensions
So I don’t think it’s fair that pensioners who don’t need it get a bigger increase that working youngsters who are struggling
And I can understand them resenting it, I would too. They are being used
If belts have to be tightened, it should be the same all round
And help targeted at the poorest, both pensioners and working age, rather than just doled out indiscriminately to all pensioners
As I wrote, sod them. It is what it is. I note that the stupid bint Thérèse Coffey is suggesting that pensioners who don’t need the pittance they get should reject any increase. Stupid woman should make an appointment with a taxidermist on her own behalf.
I’m not well off!
And I’ve already said said I think help should be targeted at poorer pensioners, just not a general increase for all pensioners, including the wealthy
Because youngsters in work are struggling to keep a roof over their head, pay their bills and feed their children too
Why should pensioners get a bigger increase than them? And paid for out of the youngsters earnings?
Why should the young have to flog themselves to death trying to make ends meet while having to pay tax to give out to pensioners who are better off than they are?
Hard times for everybody, the pain needs to be shared fairly
If pay increases can’t match inflation, then neither should pension increase, except for the poorest
Whereas I think State Pension should be treated as a state benefit and means tested
And only given to people whose income from other sources, private pensions, interest etc is less than £15k and whose property and other assets are worth less than £200k
Good for you. I totally disagree. I don’t “do” Socialism in any form.
But isn’t having a state pension at all a form of socialism, then? It’s after all a state hand out, paid out from our taxes?
If you don’t do socialism in any form, shouldn’t you also believe the state pension should be scrapped altogether and people expected to make their own provisions for their old age?
Are you are suggesting that pension increases should be means tested then?
The state age related benefit is not a form of socialism. It is a part of the Welfare State provisions which, rightly or wrongly, have become enshrined in law.
Maree you talk a lot of good sense.
Many seniors I know need a pension increase like they need a hole in the head.
Many are better off than their kids.
But most are not and in any case what gives you (or anyone) the right to judge who needs what?
I’m not judging who needs it, but yes in some way, don’t know how, it could/should be means tested shouldn’t it?