Don’t buy a pug ( or a bull dog )

I think it’s so cruel to breed flat nosed dogs . I would never dream of owning one and have to listen to its laboured breathing and snuffing distress .
Here on the left is a normal dog ( rescued street dog )
The other is a pug


I have seen so many vet programs where the pug type dogs have had to be operated on to help their breathing. They way they are being bred now is terrible & I blame the kennel club & their rules on standard breeding of pedigree dogs.

This is what they looked like til the kennel club interfered with them, they were perfectly able to breath then.

I totally agree with you guys. We often meet a couple with their miniature pug. They lovely people but that poor wee dog…:slight_smile:

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It breaks my heart. These owners are not dog lovers, they’re followers of fashion.

The thing is the couple we meet with their pug are just ordinary people in their sixties. I can’t imagine them being followers of fashion.

I agree with this. Its horrific. I used to live round the corner from a couple (very nice, sensible couple, who I would have thought knew better than to buy one of these dogs) and their dog was a bulldog. Honestly, this poor dog snorted and snuffled and slavered in its efforts to get a decent breath in his body. He couldn’t walk very fast let alone run and I hated watching the sides of his body heave with breathing. I said to them perhaps he ought to get checked by the vet and they replied “No, no, he’s fine, he just gets like that, it’s the breed, you know” as if that made it alright :roll_eyes:

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Little pugs eyeballs often bulge, not enough space in their skulls. This causes a lot of problems , sometimes losing an eye…poor dogs .

I think they looks awful poor things with their eyes popping out what is it with people that they like what is basically a terrible disabled animal .

I agree I much prefer a dog that can breathe freely another thing is tiny dogs we have a chihuahua she’s small enough at 5LBs but I’ve seen them so much smaller and they arent healthy at all.

I am not fond of chihuahuas always yapping but poor things if they don’t someone may tread on them .
They are another unnatural breed .
Due to their big heads and small body size they have difficulty in giving birth .