As an old lady

OMG they are all lovely but Buffy is
I am going to have to stop looking at dog photos or I may end up getting another one sooner than I was planning to!
They are beautiful, I so miss having a dog in my life, but I have 3 curled up in my heart.
Oh my Lord how beautiful are they all…
I love Retrievers/Labradors, the former belonged to my ex Boss, Black Lab, my Brother, the Collie x & Mutt were ours, Sadly all gone now.
When the time is right the time is right.
He looks a bit like our late Mika, she was a Collie/Spaniel/mutt cross.
No idea what he is, defo Collie cross.
Yes they do.
Do you not have one now ?
@Tiffany Aw Tiffany doesn’t it make you feel sad looking at lost friends…
They all have such different personalities don’t they…
@caricature I am pleased to learn Alfie settled in so well, he looks a gentle soul and very happy.
No, Brandy was our last dog. She was 16 & had a stroke so we had to have her put down, sad day.
Yes they did, in a way it does, but they all had lovely, long & happy lives & I have the photo’s, proper ones.
Pleased to hear Alfie has settled in well, Caricature…
Not going to get another ?
No, too late now, I am too old.