Dogs eye view


:slight_smile: lucky dog.Ours has almost that selection but is just as happy with an empty toilet roll.


What is it with cardboard and pets? When we had cats, their soft bed was okay(ish) but put a cardboard box down somewhere and it became an instant cat home to be defended at all costs :wink:

wish i had a view like that

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Of toys, or just a low level view in general? :joy:

of toys, didn’t bother to crop out most of carpet as thnat is also how Teazle would see it more or less. Taken with compact camera

I thought dogs could only see yellow and blue and cannot see red? Too much red in that pic for a dog’s eye view methinks. :wink:

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Yes, out of focus.

They say most dogs must be 20 feet from an object to see it as well as a human standing 75 feet away.

Dogs in the home rely upon other senses: hear, smell and others us humans don’t know.

not bad for a small compact camera at ground level, No camera will take a similar photo without some part being OFF. DOF is not an option with this small Lumix camera

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