Dog owners warned switching to walking harness could land them with £5,000 fine

Trouble is I want to take them all home!! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Oh I don’t doubt it! I would be the same :grin:

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Well yes…I didn’t get why the sudden furore…but then I always thought dog licences were a good idea, but somehow they weren’t enforced, so became obsolete.


I think this will be like “jay walking” in the U.S. Jay walking is crossing the road anywhere except maked cross walks. This has been a law all my life. A law everyone in the U.S. knows, and one that is broken constantly, in fact here in Denver they cross where ever. My point is I have never seen anyone ticketed for this offence. It’s just to minor for the police to deal with.

That made me laugh out loud…

Sounds about right . Fine people walking their dog in a harness better than going to a pykey camp and arresting some thieving criminals .

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The Express must have had a lot of clicks today… still cannot find any references to a harness in the actual legislation.