I might empty the containers out but l never wash them first. A few friends of mine wash their recycling items before putting them in the recycling bin. I am very meticulous about everything going in the right bin but washing them out too, l feel is going a bit far.
Do you wash yours?
The local authority here requests recycled items are washed. I’ll rinse at best, particularly anything that may end up going a bit stinky if left too long. With four kids in the house, there is enough to wash and worry about thanks very much!
I rinse them out,
I rinse my jars, tins, bottles and any cartons, it comes automatically now.
It must be good, to clear up after yourself.
The Planet is in safe hands.
Same here, Mags.
They ask us to, anyway.
Don’t you?
We must rinse out all containers before they go in the recycle bins. Peanut butter jars are the worst for me.
Always wash them.
They stink otherwise ewww
I certainly rinse food containers out before they go in the recycling otherwise they would stink and attract flies after sitting in the heat for nearly a fortnight.
Ditto here.
I wash plastic containers but not glass & cans
I wash everything that goes in the recycling bin and I wash the recycling bin after it’s been emptied.
Don’t start me on this Art. I wash them and wonder why I am saving the planet by adding to the problem by wasting (often hot) water on saving the planet. You can’t stick them in dirty. a) they stink as stated previously and b) they are not recycled if dirty. I’ve taken to chucking stuff that cannot be washed easily into the landfill bin.
It’s officially recommended emptying them but not washing them which is what I do.
How much Peanut Butter do you get through?

I might empty the containers out but l never wash them first. A few friends of mine wash their recycling items before putting them in the recycling bin. I am very meticulous about everything going in the right bin but washing them out too, l feel is going a bit far.
Do you wash yours?
Of course I wash them.
- We are on a fortnightly collection - if I didn’t wash them they would smell.
- Reduces the risk of foxes, rats, flies, and other peoples pets showing an interest and dragging things all over the drive.