Do you think

There are any benefits to stepping out of your comfort zone?

Or do you like staying in your comfort zone?

Are you in your comfort zone a lot?

Do you think being/ staying in your comfort zone can hold us/ you back?

None whatsoever.

Sometimes - but I am trying to give it up - it wears out the brain and confuses the cats! :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat: :smiley_cat:


Why not?..:grinning:

I just edited my op,ST…:joy:

You do come up with some profound questions, Pauline.

Actually I am not at all sure I have a ‘comfort zone’. I flitter about through life and am happy where ever I land as all places/situations have something positive in them just waiting to be discovered.


Because it takes years and years to develop a cosy niche, why would a person want to step out of that? :grinning:

I think everybody is different. For instance I will stay in my comfort zone regarding the threads I will reply to in the forum.
I don’t have sufficient information knowledge or brain to formulate a coherent argument on other threads so I leave them well alone :slightly_smiling_face:
I suppose being outside your comfort zone could also be about facing your fears. Example I hate being in the water I have an illogical fear of it. But as part of my job when in the MoD I had to do the submarine escape course. This was way outside my comfort zone, but I did it. Still don’t like the water though. :grinning:


That’s true Chillie, I you inadvertently find yourself in the Jungle, you know if you keep clear of the Big Cats, you won’t have to worry about Fight or Flight, mind you, I bet there are an army of trainers, preparing folks for such a scenario. :smiley:

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I know what you mean, but, how can we grow if we never leave our comfort zone?

I stepped out of my comfort zone last night, I was terrified because these members have so much knowledge in the area we were discussing, some are really intellectual, me, I’m simple,…but, I did it…produced what they asked of me,…not one came back to me on it,so, lesson I learnt, you’re not lacking knowledge in that area, as much as you think you are…boosted my confidence that did…:pray:

I think it takes courage to step out of you comfort zone…which I was lacking, bit like being stuck in your ways.


This is a great insightful post ,Chillie…excellent , it really helped me understand where you are coming from,:+1::+1:


Lesson 1
Never enter into that type of Chat, with a Cartel. :icon_wink:

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I don’t have a comfort zone now that I think about it. I have comfort moments where I think I’d be quite happy for a while, but then I start wondering about something else I could be doing. I can’t even have a day in bed and find it relaxing, unless I’m too ill to care.

Comfort zone is a beautiful place.

But, nothing ever grows there…comfort zone quote I found…so true.

I was extremely comfortable just listening to a conversation, there I was in my comfort zone…

I had like a nagging in my ear, come on girl, step out of your comfort place…say something…I believe staying in a comfortable place can hold us back, which obviously it did me…

I step out of my comfort zone all the time as far as house renovation is concerned especially when I’m up at the top of a ladder and I drop a paint brush or wheeling a wheel barrow full of stone to an old dry well I’m trying to fill in…I must be blinkin well bonkers

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I don’t have a comfort zone, I take everything as it comes.


Yes I am always in my comfort zone, however my comfort zone keeps changing. I think being stuck in any way limits your ability to grow. You never know what could possibly start the next phase of life. If you don’t explore you don’t find. IMHO

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Don't Leave Your Comfort Zone, Expand It

I rather like the mental picture of a dart board where your comfort zone is the bulls eye.

Ever read the book Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway?


I have always been aware that you must venture away and expand your comfort zone, else you’ll never grow as a person. New adventures and experiences make you appreciate other folks, and what they are about. How do we appreciate the deeds and risks others take if we don’t try new things ourselves?

The risks I’ve taken in life, traveling along for hundreds and thousand of miles, deterring would be criminals, offering helping hands to others despite danger to myself, and most of all, enjoying a satisfying pleasure, have all been worth the effort.

I am sure I don’t speak for myself in saying the comfort zone is NOT the safest place to spend your days, as your days are limited in life. Try a new adventure, you’re gonna love it!