Do You Think This Is Photoshopped?

I’m running the risk of sounding like a moron here, but it wouldn’t be the first time in my life. Do you think this image has been photoshopped? I know how tall grizzlies can be, but I’m uncertain here.


He’s a big lad isn’t he.

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Yep. Sure is.

Seems the picture can be perfectly true, Megalodon.
I found this bit of info:

How Tall Is A Grizzly Bear – Grizzly Bear Height -

" For a fairly large size bear, the height can reach up to** 3 meters which are 9.8 feet tall.


Thanks for the info Mups. It’s incredible how big they are. This reminds me of a video I saw before. I believe the bear in this video is a brown bear. Not sure. This is just a small taste of their power.

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And well-fed they are.

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Deffo a photochop.:rofl:

Yogi does get that big but you wouldn’t want to stand that close, especially when he’s on his hind legs! :bear: :scream:

And you can see a “halo” around the bears outline where it hasn’t quite been blended right


I wouldnt have sat around watching that they even got out the car !

Beautiful animal though

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Yes, and that guy’s arm would be touching the bear but it looks superimposed.

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I don’t know if that pic is photoshopped or not but that pic is widely reproduced on the internet.
Maybe the bear has been trained for acting, like Bart the Bear and Bart the Bear II, pictured here - I think they were both trained by the same man



I’m not sure either.
The biggest dog in the UK also looks like having been photoshopped.

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I am thinking much the same as Boot said, in that he could be either a trained bear, or one who’s mother was killed and so was hand reared by rescues. Who knows . . .

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In my local museum there used to be a giant stuffed bear (like those shown on this thread) standing at the door.
When l was child and visited the museum, l loved to pretend to fight with him and l used to punch him in the tummy!
It wasn’t because l was violent, l think it was more to do with pretending l was out in the wilds, fighting a grizzly bear! :laughing:!


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Holy crap!

well at least ytou now have the bare facts about height

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Photoshopped or a not live.

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