Do You Think Old People Look Ridiculous Driving Sports Cars?

And bloody good for her…If you’ve got it flaunt it:lol:

Too right mate - I flaunt it all the time, coz I got it!..:lol:

:038: Good on yer mate

…I’m normally on my bike with me helmet on though…:lol:

And your trouser clips :lol:

“Always keep your clips on son”
Good advice from dad

Advice from my dad, ‘ marry a woman with small hands son’after watching me get out of the bath.

And as others have been taking about Morgans

She went for a ride in Morgan
She sat with the driver up front
he Played

I’ll let you work out the rest

Seeing as I’m sweet & innocent, can you explain please?..:-p

My 68 year old cousin has turned looking ridiculous in a sports car into an art form. He has my greatest admiration.


I will drive anything big enough to fit my fishing tackle into.

Anything else is a no no

Your 68 year cousin does make elderly look VERY cool.
Now that’s classy at its finest.