Do you think it takes confidence to post on a forum?

I’m a member of 3 forums (fora?), 2 of which are rubber technology specific so don’t really count as a social forum.

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You can say both, Percy.

@Azz , would you consider doing an AMA (ask me anything) about your experience setting up the forum after getting originally banned from the other forum?

I have so many questions. Where did the members for that forum come from? Were there complications from the forum you got banned from? How did you decide to create the other forums? What made you choose those topics? What rules worked and what rules didn’t?

And so many more. . .

If you agree to participate in the thread, I’ll gladly set the thread up.

It could give newer members a sense of the history of the place. You might also talk about the philosophy of what made these forums successful and the philosophy you’d like to carry into the future.

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I’ve got to ask … am I the only one who struggles with ‘nested’ quotes when there’s a few of them?

It does my head in trying to figure who exactly said which bit.
It’s seems easier to give up and move on.

Admittedly I just added another one by replying but crikey … you need good brain power.

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I think there’s an old saying …

Poacher turned gamekeeper.

And possibly an assistant gamekeeper. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Same here, Psmith. I did like those boards the BBC had. I started on the Springwatch boards, then found more BBC boards to post on. I was sad when the Beeb decided to ditch them. Made a few friends through them as well, people I actually met in real life too.
I was terrified at first using them, but they were a friendly & helpful lot, most of them anyway. I hadn’t actually used the PC much then, was scared of it at first in case I broke it. :grinning: After the Beeb closed a poster on the Springwatch board opened her own forum for wildlife & chat, so I joined that. The rest is history as they say. :grinning:


Haha so many questions :lol: but here’s some answers for you:

Where did the members for that forum come from?

I was on a bull-breed message board at the same time (it wasn’t a forum, just one of those old message boards) as I was researching my first breed (which happened to be a bull breed) and had made some friends on it… so when the new forum started I posted about it there and people from there naturally shared it with their friends. I also know that one of our first members was in contact with a lot of dog lovers via email (she was a dog breeder) and she emailed a lot of a her friends (who in turn may have done the same) and that really helped get us started. So I guess at the time, a lot of people heard about it and word quickly spread. The forum was quite unique as it was ‘cute’ with a great design and feel/atmosphere - the rest is history as they say :003:

Were there complications from the forum you got banned from?

Not at all, I never went back to that forum as I had zero interest in being part of such a site :lol:

How did you decide to create the other forums?

I always create these types of sites based on stuff I am passionate about or where I think I can add some tangible value. Over the years lots of ‘older’ people have showed me a lot of kindness (some of whom were some of our very first members here) and part of the reason for starting this one was to give them a special place to hang out. I was also going to volunteer to teach local pensioners how to use computers and get them on here too - as I knew loneliness was a huge problem, and being someone who grew up with the internet (and having run online communities myself) knew just how much of a difference they could make (unfortunately I never got around to it tho).

What rules worked and what rules didn’t?

So many that I’ve lost count :lol: but I’ve found that making things as natural and as effortless as possible usually results in the least amount of headaches… for everyone involved :smiley:

You might also talk about the philosophy of what made these forums successful and the philosophy you’d like to carry into the future.

To begin with it was always about being a friendly, welcoming online space for like-minded people, and that hasn’t changed, if anything it’s just expanded a bit - by aiming to add something of value to humanity too :blush: just simple things like encouraging kindness and decency, you know, things to try and bring people and the world closer together, rather than try to split it apart… which, unfortunately is what most social networks are doing.

Hopefully we are fulfilling these objectives :sweat_smile:


Thanks for answering! I appreciate the information.


You’re welcome and you should definitely do some AMAs (tho of our members rather than of me :lol:) we had some a while back and used to call them the ‘hot seat’ :003:

@carol started them: - perhaps you can message her with a view to restarting them? :smiley:


They were great fun.I met some too.One of them asked me to come on holiday to Oz and I’ve sort of stayed.

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'98 for me too. My first PC windows 98. I don’t know the TOG. But Guardian Note & Queries was fun.

Yes I do, thinking about it really.
I just received an email regarding this newly refurbished site and it does look a lot better b.t.w.

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Glad you made it over here Woodsman! :+1: If you need any help just yell and someone will point you in the right place. :smiley:

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Hello from me too Woodsman

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Bloody hell that made me have my first genuine laugh of the evening Thanks Meg :sweat_smile:

I don’t see that it would take confidence to post on a forum, after all I don’t know anyone on here personally and nobody knows me either. All we have is what we see on the screen in the form of words and smilies, plus perhaps a photo if members have used one for their avatar. There’s also a Profile if details have been posted on there. Judging a personality from this is very difficult, it’s sometimes not easy in real life either but on screen initially there’s very little to go on.

Posting on a forum can I believe be very helpful in a lot of ways, although none of this is reality it is actually a form of ‘community’, something that’s becoming rare these days in many ways.

During the lockdowns we have had, because of the isolation it seemed very lonely without any interaction with family and friends. However, at that time OFF and those members on that forum were always there and posting. That helped at what was a really bad time for a lot of people, myself included. At the touch of a key there was a community, still posting and reminding each other there were still people around and ‘out there’. Also of course that just showed that many were having similar problems with not seeing family and friends, as bad as that was it probably helped many of us just knowing we were not alone in how we felt and for similar reasons.

Now we have another, almost brand new forum – OFC and most of the members from OFF have managed to make the transition and are once again a community, posting as before. It’s been another steep learning curve for many but it’s now ‘onwards and upwards’ as the saying goes! :grinning:


I remember a conversation with Azz at the start of my OFF journey, not sure which has changed, OFF or moi, both probably. :grinning: :biking_man:

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I recall reading when studying about ‘how we tick’ that everything changes, especially us. Nothing remains the same. All the time whatever we are thinking, doing, hearing or recalling affects us and what is in our minds. Opinions and how they are formed I found very interesting. If only more people would find out for themselves how and why we are the persons we are, there would be less friction between us humans and in so many ways. :thinking: :grinning:


It was a spin-off from Terry Wogan’s breakfast show on Radio 2. I think it might have died when he did.