Studies suggest children of alcoholics inherit a “Predisposition to Alcoholism”
Though this does not mean they will become alcoholics.
Social and environmental factors also play a part.
My Father was a life time alcoholic, though did my genetic make up predispose me to becoming the alcoholic I was?
In my mind, social and environmental factors played a major role in my alcoholism.
I drank from age 12 to escape the torment being inflicted on me.
Do you still consider yourself an alcoholic?
No, I have not had a drink since 2001.
I am not prepared to touch alcohol again because I think I would go back to my old ways. Always drinking to excess.
My Father was an abusive alcoholic, to the point that it put me more-or-less off drink for life. I may have a very small drink, very occasionally, but it certainly not habitual.
My parents didn’t drink in the house at all but would have the odd glass of shandy or beer if they went out (which was a very rare occurrence) but my dad did say alcoholism did run in his side of the family.
Out of his four children 2 of us do have an alcohol problem so maybe he was right and we were pre programmed to suffer with the condition.
It’s easy to slag alcohol off, but what about the Pain Killer junkies?
A lot of people have a lot of “Sup” ositions
I think it can be an excuse for being an alcoholic, fat/obese people use the same excuse.
I am one of 5,two of my siblings are very slim another is morbidly obese and me and my other sibling are average size.
That is my opinion.
You make a valid point and your example does support your opinion BV, it’s definitely food for thought on my part.