Do you think alcoholism can be an inherited trait?

Studies suggest children of alcoholics inherit a “Predisposition to Alcoholism”
Though this does not mean they will become alcoholics.
Social and environmental factors also play a part.
My Father was a life time alcoholic, though did my genetic make up predispose me to becoming the alcoholic I was?
In my mind, social and environmental factors played a major role in my alcoholism.
I drank from age 12 to escape the torment being inflicted on me.

Do you still consider yourself an alcoholic?

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No, I have not had a drink since 2001.
I am not prepared to touch alcohol again because I think I would go back to my old ways. Always drinking to excess.

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My Father was an abusive alcoholic, to the point that it put me more-or-less off drink for life. I may have a very small drink, very occasionally, but it certainly not habitual.

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My parents didn’t drink in the house at all but would have the odd glass of shandy or beer if they went out (which was a very rare occurrence) but my dad did say alcoholism did run in his side of the family.
Out of his four children 2 of us do have an alcohol problem so maybe he was right and we were pre programmed to suffer with the condition. :person_shrugging:t3:

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It’s easy to slag alcohol off, but what about the Pain Killer junkies?

A lot of people have a lot of “Sup” ositions :grin:


I think it can be an excuse for being an alcoholic, fat/obese people use the same excuse.
I am one of 5,two of my siblings are very slim another is morbidly obese and me and my other sibling are average size.
That is my opinion.

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You make a valid point and your example does support your opinion BV, it’s definitely food for thought on my part.

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