Do you talk to strangers?

I was in the garden yesterday and this elderly lady - over 80?, stopped and said hello and we talked for a while, then she asked me what my flat number was. I told her and she said she will call in one day and have a chat.
Okay said I, she was repeating herself and seemed a little forgetful.
If she does turn up, I will invite her in for a chat.
Best get some Tea.

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Yes I talk to strangers , not sure how I would feel about them inviting themselves in though , Id rather be in control of who I let in, just incase I won’t budge them .

your encounter is very like the one I had last year , but I knew the person in question and had not kept in touch or seen them for quite a while , Im talking about years .
I was out with my dog , when I had to pass the person in question , it was quite obviously and a bit of a shock to see her in the state she was ,( Dementia ).
I stopped and had a catch up , although I dont think she remembered me , or the memories I tried to bring to her mind .

It ended with her following me and saying she would come back with me …Well I realised I was going to find it difficult to send her on her way once she stepped inside my home .
So I gently persuaded her to return to her home , which she did .

I found it a Sad encounter , and perhaps one day I might find myself in .Im more than willing to pass the day with anyone , but at my age and my own health issues I knew it would to much to go that one step further and invite them in .


There are good reasons not to invite strangers into our home.
I took the view, I am rarely at home, going to work at 4am and returning at 4pm, 5 days a week.
Weekends I go out to sporting matches, all day, both days.
If she did remember where I lived and managed to drop by one day, then I would invite her in for a cuppa, because I said I would.
Somehow I doubt that I will see her again.

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Yes, providing it’s obvious they want to talk too.

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That is something I never do, for various reasons.

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Yes. Made some great friends this way, by walking Holly.

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I walk a friend’s dog and often talk to strangers. When on holiday I often talk to strangers


Yes, not so many about these days: people with that knowing look, you know you are going to be on, more or less, the same wavelength.

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When I was young I was very shy so didn’t talk to any one much. I suppose it didn’t help that there few people up on our farm. That changed as I got older. Now I’m just an phart and I talk to everybody!


Good for you, Bretwick.

Yes, I thoroughly enjoy talking to people having learned long ago that everyone is an interesting history book. I refer to people I don’t know and with whom I strike up a conversation as “single serving friends.”

I feel bad for the Gen Zs and younger who think that every stranger who speaks to them as a stalker.


Yes i do,often.
I would never invite myself into someones home though tbh,you have to be so careful these days.
Tread carefully please Bretrick.

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Only when dog walking.They talk to the dog and I’m her spokesperson.