Quote…What is misophonia ? People with misophonia are affected emotionally by common sounds — usually those made by others, and usually ones that other people don’t pay attention to. The examples above (breathing, yawning, or chewing) create a fight-or-flight response that triggers anger and a desire to escape.
My daughter is irritated by the way her boyfriend eats as he is quite noisy as he slaps his lips together!
She has told him and he said he didn’t realise he did it!
My other daughter and her husband have been working from home in their ‘office’. She tells him off for breathing, she says it’s too loud!
Could you be classed as suffering with ‘Misophonia’?
Surely, there is something, someone does naturally that irritates you?
I find some voices really offensive. It’s amazing & a relief that the Janice actress doesn’t really talk like that. But in real life there are occasionally people whose voices really grate.
People who eat anything crunchy, and whistling. (Not at the same time, mind you… too messy)
People who whistle generally cannot hold a tune and it sounds horrendous. It actually irritates me to the point of nearly asking them to stop. Or shoving a cork in their mouth.
People crunching dry food, like crisps or boiled sweets (often happens on the bus) irritates me as well. It is often accompanied with slurping and smacking of lips, rustling of packets, and glugging water. I find myself getting off the bus several stops before I’m due, and walking the rest of the way.
When Mr B eats, he chews very loudly and very fast. He literally bangs his teeth together in quick succession. He does this even if he’s eating something that doesn’t require chewing, like ice cream or yoghurt. It irritates the hell out of me, but I’ve never, ever mentioned it to him because it seems so trivial, and I know it’s me that’s got the problem, not him. So I just go in another room while he’s eating.
Oh and snoring, of course. In the wee small hours having to listen to someone snoring very loudly, you really do feel as if they’re snoring at you. Deliberately
Oh. Dear. Think I owe my son, who is now grown up, an apology. As a kid, he could barely stand being in the same space as someone that was eating. I thought he was just being his normal anti-social, awkward self. To be fair though, I don’t think that word. Misophonia, had been invented yet.
People use a different voice/tone when speaking on the phone. It’s so annoying. I’m always mindful of others & try to wrap up quick when I am called in a public place because I know talking too long on a phone is so annoying for others.
I cant stand hearing people smacking their chops whilst eating,it realy does wind me up and on occasions i have to leave the room.
Also,people who eat fast and people who talk with their mouths full.