Do you suffer from insomnia?

All those sound good…defo no tea or coffee :wink:


. . . unless it’s herbal or decaf. I used to drink peppermint tea before bed. I found it soothing. Some people can do green tea. But yes, caffeine before bed is probably not a good idea for most people.

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i am not sleeping well, then a friend pointed out i was drinking a bottle of sprite with my old monk rum…about six a night, so i was having a sugar-rush that was keeping me awake… when you cnt sleep because of a buzy mind then why not try and use it… just imagine one of those big blackboards they used at school, then imagine its your job to repaint it using blackboard paint, dont rush it, just keep painting it, looking for bits you might have missed, it stops you brain from focusing on really important stuff, like shopping lists…lol

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the cause of insomnia can be down to ones OH snoring, I shall say no more

Someone told me Magnesium was good to help you relax so I take one every night.Mostly it works.

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Same. I don’t know if it helps me sleep, but it helps me if I’ve done something strenuous and have muscle aches. Just took some last night. It works.

It also helps me with headaches.

I used to take it every night but it can affect my stomach sometimes so I cut back a little.

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Go on then, off you go. :smiley:

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I don’t always practice what I preach y’know :wink:

snoring is classed as a disease, its phrased as a disease of the listener
i live beside a busy road, but it no longer keeps me awake, because i no longer listen to it, if you cease listening to the OH snoring, the problem goes away…

I have had insomnia since beginning of menapause 3 years ago, drives me nuts. Am mentally, physically tired out from work, but am still awake 6am. Have gone 4 nights without sleep on some of my worst weeks, still have go work, carry on as normal until body decides I can sleep. I get frustrated, annoyed when get no sleep, can’t function properly, not mentally as quick, although with menapause a lot of thinking quick has gone some of the time.

I hope it is ok if I chime in on this please.
by definition, I do suffer from insomnia. However, I stopped caring a loooong time ago.
You see, I once tried very hard to get that 8 or more hours of sleep nightly. Then one time at a visit with my family doc, we had a discussion about sleep. He asked if I was tired or fell asleep during the day. I answered that I don’t get tired or nap at all. He advised me to not worry about sleep unless one of those things is happening, so I stopped worrying about it.

Fast forward about a year, I had a reoccurence of migraines. The neurologist asked me about my sleep, and she did not like the answer of 3-6 hrs / night. I therefore began trying for more, and got up to 7. The headaches improved a very little, and I honestly did not see enough of a difference to keep trying. Not enough ROI for it.
So ok, I can’t/do not sleep much, but it has no impact on my daily living so do not sweat it. I also go to the gym daily within an hour of waking, and would go sooner if I did not see my wife out the door to go help watch her twin’s grandbabies. No kidding, if it weren’t for that I’d be to the gym by 0530 daily, after 3 hours sleep.
Insomnia is over hyped in America. People worry about sleep wayyy too much. I promise, and this is after having been in a war when sleep was a luxury, if the body actually needs sleep, it WILL take it.
Also, a bit of advice to those dealing with sleep issues - try skipping a night of sleep, one night, and it will reset your pattern. I bet if you do, you’ll sleep well the following several nights. Works for me when I give a crap enough to do it.

Best wishes ya all!

Cheers astormvet, like you say we all have different needs in the sleep department, i was always an active person, and always slept well. but i am not very active now, and my sleep patern is decidedly iffy, at the moment i am trying the clove treatment, you simply put a few cloves under your pillow… it has got good reports, but my jury is out, i got 11 hours my first night and four the second…lol… but give it a try…

Hmm. I’m older now yet more active and sleep less than ever. I no kidding frequently wake, and do fine with three hours. Yet on occasion I sleep 6-7, typically on a day when my wife and I were out the night before and slept in the same room - she wanders in the middle of the night sometimes as do I.
And frankly, I just no longer even give a crap how much I get, unless it’s how little I can get away with :slight_smile:

I think youll find we are all older, but you do right by not being bothered by the numbers, sadly its a mistake most of us do make… what is normal? normal for you feels like sleep deprivation to me… if i only get four hours i feel wrung out…
welcome to our group a new point of view is always welcome [as long as it agreeswith mine] lol…

“Normal” is a word I avoid and much prefer “typical.” I find the idea that a person was so arrogant as to define the word to be ludicrous and hypocritical. It therefore cracks me up how it was used here.
I think you’ll find my point of view different than the mainstream, as it is considered very traditional and old fashioned. I feel it is simply correct. Whatever. The younger people will eventually find themselves facing the same type of judgements from their children.

I sleep well: 7-8 hours. But sometimes have too much going on in my head to get to sleep. This helps: google old song lyrics on my mobile phone.

Last night it was After The Gold Rush … music in my head. Takes me back 50 years.

Well, I dreamed I saw the silver spaceships lying
In the yellow haze of the sun

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Only when I wake up :grin:

Since I remember I have suffered from insomnia. Hate it, but accept it.

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Hi Charles!
I’m not an insomniac but I have developed a bit of a strange sleeping pattern and also have come to accept it, just on my second coffee at this very moment :wink::+1:

Welcome to the forum, charles!

Sorry to hear about the insomnia. I also (like Chilliboot) have a strange sleeping schedule but I don’t consider it to be insomnia, just odd hours.