Do you start answering a question here then decide, no, let this one go?

I often start, then think of the ramifications, ie, do I really want to engage in what may ensue?
Happened just now. Started, thought, desisted answering



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Yes, I do it quite frequently.

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Reminds me of watching university challenge as a kid, I was crap…no conferring .

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Yes, I do sometimes and for a reason. There’s nothing wrong about it. Occasionally, I even delete a text already posted.

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Yes, I sometimes find writing an opinion off-site ready for copy/pasting into the forum gets the point out of the system and then I don’t feel the need to post about it. Not that much into debating important subjects. It never changes anything.

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Yes often.


You’re all going to doubt this, but yes. All the time :rofl::rofl:

I’d be in a lot more trouble if I didn’t

Well done.
Self restraint is a great attribute to possess.
We would all be in the bad books without it.

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Yes sometimes. I start to reply to a post and then I realise that I’m not going to change the world, or even alter anyone’s opinion and I’m not really interested anyway…
So then I go out and participate in life, and not just read about it or watch it on TV.


I think probably most of us do this. Like OGF decide my opinion isn’t needed anyway & doubt anyone cares about it & I can’t be bothered to reply after all. :grinning: :grinning:


At one time several years back when I first joined a forum, I just typed whatever I thought at the time.
Since then, I’ve become more introspective, and realize others from around the world speak differently and I may have misinterpreted their statements.
So, I am more patient with others and myself, think about things if the topic is one I care about.
After an hour or so, if I still feel the same way, I post.
If not (most often), I keep my thoughts and feelings to myself and go socialize in the real world.
It keeps me in check.


yes yes and maybe no! - but a very good question to ask bretrick - because it relates back to why forums ; why use them boredom ; gaining knowledge ; fighting ; interested in the rest of the world or all of the above - which age group are we in does it matter ; is this just a relaxing hobby or does it raise BP’s etc etc etc - - no it may very well not change anything but could occasionally in the deep thinker!! - relaxant- ?? - blood pressure raiser?? find out more abou tthe world and those in it - all of the above should I go on??

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It seems like most members at times start to commit to an answer then have second thoughts.
I post my own questions/observations because I am interested in what people from different countries think. What their perspective is. What their experiences are.
Sometimes I begin to write responses and think, - do I really want to post this. Would anyone be interested? Will my post engender controversy?
I often think twice about responding and even delete my response before posting.
Sometimes I am not in the mood to carry on with any responses to my response so again, I do not respond.


fair enough just keep takin the anti-depressants!!

Sometimes I think it’s therapeutic to type it out, though. Sort of gets it out of your system!

And then I think about it, smile, and think, “well, I don’t think I really need to say that!” and move on…….


Yes it’s all about moods…sometimes words just appear faster than I can type and I feel thoroughly refreshed and satisfied to get it off my chest…Could it be that we are subconsciously searching for a like minded and understanding colleague…

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I know I’m always right about everything but that can annoy some people so sometimes I just let it go.(for next time)


I often see a thread and can think of something to add or comment on it. However, by the time I decide to say something, the thread tends to be completely derailed and miles away from the original topic. I don’t tend to respond to topics which have strayed on a tangent or hijacked onto something else completely irrelevant. I would probably respond a little more if this didn’t happen as often as it does - having previously requested my own threads to be deleted for this very reason.

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