Do you set goals? Why or why not?

That’s me too AND I’m an Aries.Spooky!But not impulsive… so not so spooky after all.


… same here. I put reminders on my google calendar, I sometimes wake in the morning thinking I must have forgotten to do something so I write it down before I forget, again.

I guess goals are for the competitive type, like the ones that play to win; I play because I enjoy the game.

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I too am ‘Aries’ but far from impulsive, in fact the opposite would better describe me I reckon!

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S’alright you two - I don’t mind being a one off :smiley:

Well there’s nothing like being different to get noticed!

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As long as it isn’t Notice to Quit :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Notice to Quit? As if!

i set garden to do list at the beginning of each month, and usually keep to it

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