Ok, another word I must have picked up from my dad and thought everyone used but it seems they don’t!
What would you say a “josser” is?
Ok, another word I must have picked up from my dad and thought everyone used but it seems they don’t!
What would you say a “josser” is?
You’re jossing me, right? Pulling of one’s leg … gesting … stringing one along … being told a mild porkie.
Yes, I’ve heard it used like that but that’s not what dad and the others used it for when I was growing up in London
Anyone else heard it said?
I was born in London during WWII and the Josser was was the joker or teller of porkies, BUT, the actual meaning was a simpleton; or if in the circus, a person not born from a performing family. I only know this because I have a daughter married to a showman’s son.
Yup, that’s what they used it as, it was someone a bit slow on the uptake, not streetwise, old or middle aged and not a Londoner, an outsider or yokel
Big insult was to call someone a “country josser”!
I was going to say Hippy.
i’v heard the expression “tosser” used most of my life
Me Too
A josser is a bit of a joker.
I know a few tossers though.
Did they know many Jokes? or were they the butt of them.
Totally the butt of them.Some thought they were funny,those were the ones that laughed at their own jokes spitfire.
Yes, I think I get your drift.