Do you remember the last dream you had?

I woke up at 2.30am from an unpleasant dream.
In my coterie of friends from yesteryear, one of my friends was having an affair with another of my friends wife.
The husband started to suspect shenanigans was going on and started to make inquiries.
Asked me if I knew what was going on, “No” said I.
Long and short of it was he realised it was true and said he will killed everyone who knew, including me
I got in first and blasted him with a shotgun.
There is truth to this dream but without the deadly ending.

Sometimes, yes I remember. Usually then I think: “I should try adapting it to a movie” :joy:
Honestly, dreams can sometimes be so weird that you ask yourself “how could my brain come up with something like that?!”

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Not bad dreams but strange ones such as setting up an area for pop up shops with someone else I don’t know. Weird or what? Or having a great time with people that I don’t know when awake

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I know what you mean. In my case they are so detailed (and in colours) but sometimes after waking up the memory is a bit vague. Same with you?

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The last dream i had, yet again i miss- place my bag,i have that one at least twice a week,different story and surroundings but still about my bag.

And just to put out there…i talk and walk in my sleep :scream:

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my last dream was a Car crash with a Bus , the one before that was a Plane crash in the sea .I seem to have disaster dreams .

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My neighbor from my childhood days was pounding my dog’s nose with a hammer. I tried to get her to stop but she wouldn’t.

How distressing that must have been for you.

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