Do you remember any clueless moments you have had throughout your life?

I remember I had tummy ache and my Grandmother asked me when did I last move my Bowels.
I had no idea what that meant and she gruffly said, “What are they teaching you at School”?
I remember being fitted for a suit for my school leavers dinner and the male store keeper asked me, “What side do you dress on”?
Blank stare from me.
He told me what it meant and I said, "It doesn’t, it just sticks out":weary:
I remember at sex education class in middle school, the teacher started talking about Oral Sex. My reaction was, “Is talking about it considered sex”? :man_shrugging:

ditto the blank stare. What does it mean?

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What side does my member normally hang. :slightly_smiling_face:
So a minor allowance can be made for the trousers.

Reminds me of a joke popular in school.
A man goes to the doctors with constant severe pain in his testicles.It’s a medical mystery.They don’t know what causes it so he has them removed just to get rid of the agony.To celebrate he decides to buy a new suit.The tailor asks him what side do you dress on?He says why? does it matter? Yes,says the tailor,if the trousers aren’t fitted properly you could get severe pain in your testicles…

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Yes,i remember when my doctor asked me if my stools were hard or soft.
All i said was they have 4 legs and soft top.