Do you read food labels?

And the country of origin! Talk about multi national food, bleugh!

Easy become a veggie like me :+1:t2:

We’d have to steer well clear from insecticides too :wink:

Anyone for a spider sandwich!
:upside_down_face: :grinning:

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I’ll get mine from the web :wink::grin:


Spinning a yarn again LD!


I have been eating more vegetarian food recently, but my cats will become demanding if we don’t have chicken. :rofl:

It is unlikely I will ever become completely vegetarian , as I love fish, but I have been eating more lentils recently & with a nice sauce they are very nice!


I add a few ‘drips’ of yeast extract, have Morrisons own brand at the moment…into a beefy home brewed gravy, but I do miss Gravy Ready Mix Ones…or do I…as my Gravy is actually become very tasty, a life saver now actually, covers up my bad habit of burning stuff…
the label is not helpful as to any MSG…Morrison’s say suitable for vegetarians

here is the true ma coy…for the ingredients comparison…Marmite label on the front says Vegan Spread…

confused… :thinking: :dizzy_face:

Yes I do. We rarely add salt to any cooking…going back years now.
The stock cubes I have tried here in France, sure they are made of mainly salt, if the taste is anything to go by…
Pepper I use a lot of…

Twinkle we buy frozen fish in Lidls, Pollock just defrost enough for our two Cat’s, cook in the microwave on a medium setting for 3 minutes. hey presto a good tasty meal…obviously the essential Taurine is not in Fish though.
This is a great help for Cat Owners.

Thanks Dianne!

Another veggie here, so yes read labels to check on that, also try and avoid palm oil unless sustainably sourced.

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Yes, I’ve always read labels. I don’t buy processed foods regularly and on the rare occasions I do, I know what it includes as I’ve had them before.

I don’t take my reading glasses with me and if, as in the past, I see something I might like to try, I can see the suspect ones in bold. but it’s only when I get home and read the label properly that I see something my body doesn’t like which isn’t ‘emboldened’ (is that even the right word? :blush:).
So I eat it anyway, and stuff the consequences.

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Yes we read the labels to make sure we’re not buying anything that came in from the EU. Almost everything we eat, bananas, oranges, and apples (depends on time of year) excepted, is from British farms. Even the Mozzarella, Brie and Camembert cheeses we eat are made in the UK. I have to buy parmesan cheese from Italy though as I’ve yet to find a UK source.

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True. But they do label their hygiene rating - or at least ours do.

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Morrisons have got into a spot of bother with the label on their chicken crowns.

Just found the Piccalilli…Horay
2 manufacturers, I chose this one001

as there was no Sulfites quite clearly stated, where as the Heinz Jar did not disclose that…and of course more expensive.
I do try and avoid Chinese goods, but almost seems impossible to not.
I am not prejustice against most foreign goods but feel the Chinese have some very bad safety issues in general.
Buying British has became a real problem online, I have just this morning had to go to our local Post Office and pay a Tax of 21 Euros as the British Company for some weird reason would not include the VAT in the costs I paid…


Oh my word…I haven’t had piccalilli since I was a kid…I didn’t know it was still made. I’m going to get some today! :smiley:


It was that Chillie6 keeping on about it that made me want some…NOW lol
did you know he only really thinks about food…shush about that though… :thinking: :zipper_mouth_face:


Oh I know about Chilli’s food obsession :roll_eyes: But thanks to him and you, I am going to embark down nostalgia road later once I get my hands on that yellow jar! Oh that reminds me of…whats it called again…lemon curd? Have you tried that? Lovely on toast :yum: