Do you plan meals for the week?

My fridge is nearly empty. Need to decide what I want to eat for this week, for shopping purposes.
Salmon Fillet with Plum Sauce
Rump Steak with Baby Potatoes and Garlic Butter
Curry Sausages
Chilli Meatballs and Spaghetti
Lasagne with Tomato/Basil Salad

Tub of Ice Cream with a Cheesecake for sweet Hit

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My BH has to these days.She’s looking after her parents at the moment and they’ve become very fussy about what they like to eat in their old age.
Normally we live from day to day.Neither of us are too bothered about food,we just eat to stop being hungry.


No planning , I try to avoid cooking.


I shop for the week , Ive cut out meat so its been a challenge at times to think of what to eat , Fish every week , Rice, Potatos ,bread , milk ,eggs ,fruit , yogurt,cheese, Med Veg,
Ive just aquired Jaime Oliver cook book,

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Hate cooking never plan anything .


How des one avoid cooking?
Salads and the like only?

We have homemade ready meals in the freezer, meatballs, chicken curry etc, so eat some of that when we can’t think of anything better/different. We like looking round the shops, picking up something unusual. Tonight we had broad beans and Salami. It was nice … proper beans in the pods, first taste of salami in years. We’ve already decided we’re having lamb chops tomorrow, three each in our fingers, maybe a tomato sandwich to go with that.


Very easily - my wife does it! And she is excellent.

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Actually I did cook when my kids were of school age - ex-wife had departed - so I wasn’t quite helpless in that department. I have commented on this before. We did the weekly shopping quite efficiently. I used EXCL to record all the items we needed for that week. The kids were quite good at the items we needed. The most time was having to queue at the cashier.

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I have a 2 week menu system,works great for us.
Ie… the first monday its bolognese,the following monday its curry,and so on.


I expend a lot of energy planning meals. Sunday lunch is the worst. Getting a potato peeling machine has made things so much easier!

I don’t even plan the week??


I dont plan for the week, but I make sure my freezer has a variety of meats, and previously cooked meals for another meal that’s been home cooked. It just depends on what I am in the mood for on any given day.


As much as possible I avoid.

By … eating out .
Not eating meat or fish that cuts out a lot of prep and cooking.
A lot of veg I eat raw .
Chickpeas, avocados, cheese, kidney beans, lot of different beans , wraps , cheese , salads , I do cook eggs . I buy ready cooked pasta & microwave rice.
When I make something like swede and carrot mash, portion it out and freeze
I do bake a cake.
I mainly use my oven for storage and Christmas lunch.
Here’s my kitchen it’s empty …I have a kettle and air fryer…

My oven storage , I’ve had the oven 2 yrs and not had to put it on a clean cycle


I display things in my kitchen …honey pots


crikey Rips, like the idea


You’re my hero! That’s so awesome. That’s my goal for one day.

I’m like the other bret. I can’t even plan the day much less the week and every meal in it.


I usually decide what we are having for dinner at breakfast time…have to admit I cook mainly from scratch but occasionally we have ready meals.

We also eat out a lot though…like today we are out to lunch with my daughter and oldest grandson…so we will just have a snack tonight cheese and crackers maybe.

I have pals who have given up cooking altogether and just have ready meals or salads …I think a lot of youngsters are like that too…cooking from scratch is a dying skill.


No plans. I usually decide about half an hour before eating. That sometimes means living on microwave or pre-prepared foods for the main meal around 6.00 p.m. Aways a couple of small oranges afterwards so as to pretend I’m eating healthily. A bit like salad at a barbeque. :slightly_smiling_face:

A good deal of fresh fruit/veg at lunchtime.


I plan what I’m shopping which includes meat of some kind ; vegies of some kind can be frozen pre-packed is it ? - noodles ; exotic far eastern dishes from a packet - all authentic mixes you just provide the meat and maybe some vegies?/

then traditional - pkt of sausages and rissoles for quick fix it meals - lumps of cheese I’m addicted ; bananas and mandarins - two favorite fruits in a large bowl on the tv table sorta>? good quality coffee from the pkt never jar - no milk and just a few sweetners - man of simple tastes - need more women!!

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I’m curious - what does BH mean?
I presume it’s something that means means wife or partner?
It’s probably something obvious but I’ve been racking my brains and I can’t come up with a plausible answer! :thinking:

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