They are brilliant, you can use them as a foot stall while your watching telly, use them as small tables for coffee cups, books and mags, and when we have a lot of visitors, the family perch on them and let the guests have the sofas
I like to put my legs up in the evening, no medical reason really, but especially when it’s hot I think it helps prevent you getting swollen feet and ankles
Our coffee table is just within reach of my footsie, and naturally I rest my feet on a coaster or two to protect the surface (especially if I’m not wearing socks). As an occasional treat, I employ the inbuilt electric leg rest facility in our settee for further support.
The cats like this arrangement and are both reasonably happy curling up on the upholstery or table.
I have a large-ish leather upholstered one that came with the sofas. It is permanently in front of the sofa where I usually sit, as I do like to have my feet up. When my granddaughter’s here she uses it as a kind of table for her breakfast/lunch/dinner, while she sits or kneels on the floor to eat. Yes, we have a perfectly good table in the dining room, but my sewing machines and accumulated sewing detritus have taken over, leaving very little space for eating
The pouffe is also good for playing ‘the floor is lava’, assisted by lots of cushions and the dog bed scattered around the room