Do You Mind Loose Leaflets And Flyers Inserted In Magazines?

If we don’t want leaflets and other bumf delivered to our properties, we can put a sign up stating this.
So why are we expected to accept unsolicited junk when we buy a magazine?

Maybe, we should go into a shop/store with a sign on us, stating this!



Even better, as l got my Fireman’s Badge in the Girl Guides, l will set fire to the leaflets in the shop.
Job sorted and no need to drag round one of those red tartan shopping trolleys!

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It’s not getting rid of them that annoys me. When I hear something come through the letter box, I am filled with anticipation and excitement. When I find that all I’ve got is a menu for the poxy local takeaway, I then have work through the disappointment. It is not a trivial matter.


t shirt

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You could sell those, perhaps it’s worth making some flyers of them to put through letterboxes?


I was going to add to the No Flyers bit “I’m high enough!” but there wasn’t enough room :joy:


Such a catastrophic event…sit down with a cuppa and calm yourself…

I’m a very sensitive person, Besoeker, the slightest thing can send me into a state of turmoil, and a cuppa can’t fix that. Although if I’ve got a nice cream cake to go with it, that can make a difference. :coffee: :cupcake: :cake:

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Maybe a glass of a beverage ?

I don’t suppose a small one would hurt. :slightly_smiling_face:

Doesn’t that Santa clock show 10 past 10?

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You’re quite right, it’s cos I can’t tell left from right.

Or tell the time.

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They do annoy me & they go straight in the bin if I find it after I’ve got home, if I notice them before I buy the magazine they end up back where the magazines are stacked, or on the floor if they’ve fallen out.

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Perhaps I am more tolerant. I just bin them in the recycle bin. Unless there is the odd item of interest. We use Milk and More delivered to our doorstep and they occasional post a leaflet relating to their products.


In the Recyling bin.

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Honest I can’t remember the last time I bought a magazine I remember thinking about it a while ago…25 Beautiful Homes I think it cost about £5 so the Yorkshire in me wouldn’t allow it and back on the shelf it went…anyway hasn’t the Internet taken over from magazines? If I want to look at home designs I go to Pinterest…loads there and no flyers :slight_smile:


That is a lot of work for newsagents I didn’t realise you had to place the supplements in the newspapers
I like Saturday’s Times so apologies as it does contain quite a lot
Re the leaflets there’s sometimes a small booklet of useful items I browse it ,then look on line for better prices if anything takes my fancy
The ones with money off vouchers are ok Matalan offers are good


I do recycle the ones I get at home or in magazines.

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summer, I don’t buy magazines either. This was a TV Guide… 72p!