Do you love your pets unconditionally

Susie, do you mind me asking why a cat has butter? Is it for her toast in bed in the mornings? :smiley:

Cat’s sometimes get a condition that causes them to lose their voice. It’s called Purlak, and butter is the best treatment.


This had me chuckling out loud :joy:

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Mups, Coco just likes a little bit of butter twice a day, only very small amounts, but it has to be Lurpak, anything else and she won’t touch it. She has her only little plate and we just putt little bits around the edge for her.

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Of course it does. My previous joke wouldn’t have worked with another brand. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve never heard that before, Susie.
Well she had certainly done alright on it all these years. :+1:

Thanks Mups, 19 and still going strong.

Over the years I have had 3 cats and 3 dogs in my life, but am now bereft of them. They were all dearly loved, I don’t now if it was an unconditional love, if, as PK said,

but I do know the love remains l-o-n-g after my dear ones have gone.


@susiejaeger - I bet it keeps her fur in good condition! Nemo likes Cod Liver oil capsules - has to kick them around the kitchen for 10 mins or so - just to kill them - then he eats them.


Holly enjoys toast or bread n butter (I use Anchor, and she’s not fussy) sometimes with a bit of cheese spread, and just tiny pieces. I am quite strict with these kind of treats, small amount of cheese, or ham, sausage, and chicken, but I make sure it has no coating or marinade.


Papa had the good habit of rescuing the pregnant cats who’d hide under our porch. The biggest batch happened in December 1961.

Including the Mom cat, there were a baker’s dozen of them. They sleep with me in my crib. All girls with a variety of all black to mixed black and white.

I became their scratch post. Meaning that nearly every morning, my sheets were no longer white. The two who defended me out of 13, were the Mom and one kitten named Blackie.

They’d cleaned me up and made sure I stayed under the covers so I wouldn’t get scratched. Sadly, they all died in our 8 February 1962 house fire.

Cookie Dough was a Tricoloured Angora girl who wandered under our porch circa 1971. We bonded instantly. Only had her for 3 years. She was very ill. She died of uterine cancer but she’d been the best kitty cat one could ever ask for.

Later on with hubby, the thought of acquiring dog or cat of the female kind got me weary. Thankfully, Puce and Belle were the bestest female dogs. One Chihuahua Tricoloured and a Beige Pomeranian, best guard dogs. Lost to the quarantine imposed by our government. The triple Rabies shots received here plus the two required before leaving the other country, made them ill and they died in quarantine. Awful! Loved them wee girls.

I could go on and on but you already know about my very lucky/magical male kitten which daughter and I currently have…

Unconditional love, yes definitely!


I threw Maises ball tonight and had to retrieve it myself, and deliver it back to the Sofa, that is unconditional love.

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Yes and easily.
Pets make it easy to love them unconditionally
I was going to say they aren’t demanding or expect anything but that’s far from true.:joy::rofl:


Yes, pets are part of the family so they are loved like family.

Have to admit too that I cannot warm to people who dislike animals…I remember once a long time ago there was a member here I quite liked until she admitted she had owned over 36 cats who had all wondered off…I really couldn’t understand that and my like turned into a strong dislike very quickly. I’m like that generally and if visitors dislike my cat George I politely tell them well he probably doesn’t like you either…but isn’t it funny how cats make a fuss of people who dislike them… I think they like to watch them squirm :slight_smile:



A person who has a lot of cats or does not want one on their bed, must love their cat.
