Do you line up outside stores that are having a sale?

I see this so often here in Perth.
Long line of people waiting for store to open.

People do queue outside Lidl, probably Aldi too, when they have specials in their middle aisles worth buying. I’ve seen them, but don’t shop there myself.

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I thought they just had that Black Friday thing these days when everyone goes insane over stuff that’s said to be on sale but isn’t.

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erm… NO


No I don’t!

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Absolutely NOT…

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Absolutely not no


The only store I have ever lined up outside was the local Vietnamese bakery on Christmas Day morning to buy fresh rolls for the Chrissy barbie. The last few years I have been able to send one of my kids, they are open at some absurd early hour but people arrive constantly maintaining the queue.

Not a big queue, probably 6 to 10 people waiting but they are the only place open for kms around.

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NO,i did enough standing around during covid.

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@Bretrick There is absolutely no point in doing so as everything in those so called ‘sales’ are special buy-ins available cheaper elsewhere if you know where to look. There are companies who specialise in supplying such ‘bargains’ and when not supplying sales, sell for less as regular sales for those who know where to buy.

No way , i dont queue outside any stores !!

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No stores for me. We get our stores delivered by hand.

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No, never.


Welcome to over50schat. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If I see a very long queue outside a store
, I think to myself" far queue" and walk away

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