Do you like clowns?

I know where my dislike of clowns came from

I was only three but the picture is as clear in my head as yesterday

Mum and Dad took me and my cousin to Bertram Mills circus. It was a big treat because we didn’t have a lot of money for outings

Coco the Clown came over to us to say hello and leaned in towards us. I can still see his face and the make up running through the sweat and how it made the whites of his eyes look yellow

Janice and I screamed the place down!

And we were in big trouble afterwards from my mum for “showing off”, being rude and no appreciating our outing! :rofl:

Even now, pictures of him make me uneasy


Hate clowns.

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I dislike Clowns, they encourage cannon fodder!

I love clowns but I couldn’t manage a whole one.

Maybe you got off lightly Maree?

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I had a bad encounter with a Dalek, in lewises

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I read about that in the Daily Star, ouch!

It’s that painted on smile…very weird