Do you know how to convert C to F Degrees?

I am regularly posting temperatures regarding Perth weather.
Most times I with include both C and F temps so you do not have to wrack your brain.
The rare occasions when I do not include both, here is the formula for you to convert.

C to F is, example, 30 C x 1.8 + 32 = 86 F
F to C is, example, 65 F - 32 x 5/9(.5555) = 18.3 C

9/5 +32
or 5/9 -32

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I just Google a temperature converter. I’m doing that a lot reading temperatures here.


I just type in the internet search bar of my phone or tablet “65f to c” and it brings me the answer in Celsius.

I’ve never used Temperatures in Fahrenheit. At school and Uni we always worked in Centigrade and all my cookers / washing machines etc have always used the Centigrade/Celsius scale temperature, so temperatures quoted in Fahrenheit means nothing to me.
If someone describes their weather in terms of the temperature using the Fahrenheit scale, I would have to convert it to Celsius before I can get an idea of how hot or cold that is.


These formulas were taught to me in High School - year 7.
Always good to know stuff.
Like how to measure the weight of a mild steel plate.
Length x Breadth x Thickness x 7850 (density of steel = 7850 kg/m3)
2 Metres long, 1 Metre wide, 10mm thick
2 metres x 1 metre x .01 x 7850 = 157kg.

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Same, in reverse. Once I tried to find a moderate temperature to know whether something was hotter or colder than that, but it didn’t scale well.


Not particularly accurate, but I was taught,

“Zero, ten, and twenty-one, are Winter, Spring, and Summer Sun”.

I haven’t used Fahrenheit since 1965. Visiting the USA was always a problem especially when working there and they started quoting temperature in degrees Rankine. (Absolute Fahrenheit). This is despite the USA adopting the metric system as standard in the late 1800s.

Give me temperatures in good old degrees Kelvin any day. I blame UK TV companies for still quoting weather temps in Fahrenheit.

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I think I’ve got it right about the truly bizarre basis for the fahrenheit scale. The German/Polish scientist Fahrenheit chose two reference points - one for zero and one for 100. Naturally he decided on the freezing point of a peculiar brine and something else as the zero point. And his estimate of the core temperature of the human body for 100. Forget universal constants such as melting point & boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure (centigrade references) or absolute zero (Kelvin reference point). Fahrenheit makes no sense and has no scientific basis. Should be dumped and forgotten.

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