They’re a pain in the ar$e really. Always calling when you’re busy, or wanting to borrow something, or mend something, or do a job for them…However, the amount of neighbours and friends who have offered to drive me anywhere while I don’t have a car, and who are concerned for my health has made me rethink long held opinion of friends.
PS:- I do have about 4 really special friends who I would do anything for…
I agree with the Brit study re friends. When I visit England I am amazed at how closed faced people are when out and about. No one smiles at each other , nod hello when passing on the street, or in line at stores.
Here in the states we speak to most folks we see, just a hello, or small talk while in line. We are more open to inviting a smile from others, strangers or acquaintances.
I have many true long time friends, we count on each other for support, driving for appointments, out to lunch weekly, or a walk in the park together to catch up. Even phone calls to share our good news or bad days. Friends made decades ago, or even classmates.
I live in city by the sea on the south coast , it’s very friendly.
Yes there areas I wouldn’t go to at night but isn’t that the wherever .
In fact I wouldn’t go out alone after 9pm anywhere in the U.K.
Yes I have 3 very good friends and several neighbours who have become my new friends
Yeah, I have friends, and the thing is I find that I’m making new ones.
Sometimes you make friends unexpectedly, no apps or Facebook involved… it’s called life
a few years ago i met an old pal from football days his face lit up and he kept shaking my hand, he said ‘many years ago you told me that i might be lucky if i had five true friends in my entire life, i need you to know you are high up on my five’
and i’ve never seen him since.
Although I have moved house and county several times since leaving London as a growing youth, I have always had good friends because of who I am (born a Jew) and how I mix with those friends. We have an organisation called the JSCN which helps hold us all together and offer important help when help is needed, when not residing in a large city or town. Observant and non-observant alike, we are bound together by the sense of community formed by the JSCN because we belong together.
Mark Knopfler wrote ‘Brothers in Arms’ and to me, that just about sums up my feelings too.
Last lines But it’s written in the starlight And every line in your palm We’re fools to make war On our brothers in arms