Do you have any/many natural disasters where you live?

There are very few natural disasters, but, and this is a big BUT, I lost one house completely due to a direct lightning strike which was rebuilt. Not content with the direct lightning strike, the weather decided to hit the house with a tornado that started its life off as a water spout. That tornado cost my insurance company around £75k to sort out all out. Then feeling somewhat uncomfortable with the location, we decided to move a crown flown 2 mikes inland and a little further east. Since that moving day we have been feeling more settled and happier👍

I am glad things have settled down now.
I do need to ask - a crown flown 2 mikes - means :thinking:


The shortest distance between two points, jus as the crow flies straight to where it’s going.

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Strong enough that it shook our entire house in the middle of the night. The bed shock and I woke up startled. I ‘think’ it was in a rector (?) level of 6 but not absolurely sure. It was all over the news the next day.

We were hit by the big Fiona hurricane just last year. Luckily we have an insulated brick home so we were safe . A few big trees were down but that’s about it. Some people completely lost their homes. Some had it really bad. :frowning:

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Wow. Lucky you have a house solid enough to withstand powerful winds.
So sad when pictures emerge of the devastation of houses being completely blown away.
The only remaining thing being the concrete slab.

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We have floods on a regular basis.

Natural disasters have clearly been on the increase with droughts, floods, windstorms, and thunderstorms unheard-of by previous generations and myself when I was young. The biggest disaster caused a death toll of 180 two years ago. The infrastructure is still destroyed and the whole region will never be as habitable as it used to be.

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We were flooded out in 2000, in Woodford, Essex, the River Roding burst its Bank and the water in our House was upto my waist, three streets had to leave their homes, we went to my In-laws with our Cat.

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Heart breaking. Were you able go back there to live or was the place condemned?

Well, we had to go back there to claim on the Insurance and tidy up, we had £20,000 damage.
Two elderly Ladies in their 90s died, as they could not get them to leave their homes. We only stayed another year and moved, we had been living there for 20 years, apparently the River Roding had burst its Banks once before, before we moved in. We had Rescue men on Canoes to save us and our Pets.

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Did you move to avoid another flood? Were many possessions lost?
Sad about the two elderly ladies. They did not want to leave their home of many years. So sad.

Yes Brett, we didn’t want to go through that again. The two elderly ladies lived next door to each other, they were lovely, but they were too scared to move out and tried staying upstairs. Lots of things we lost, including old LPs with their original sleeves, record player, all carpets, furniture etc.