Do you have any Allergies?

Brought up your olde post Tiffany as I have had dermatitis in the past and this time I am covered from everywhere except hands face and neck. I went up the Hospital last evening and got bloods done a chest x-ray and the usually tests they run plus put on a drip but no idea what that contained.
i got into a mild flair when the Dr said I needed to stay in over night. I said I am not and I said Why is that?
He said he would respect my wishes…I then said if I felt the need I would but you not going to get rid of this rash so going home in 15 minutes! Which having signed the disclaimer form I got dressed and left…I had also gone their because my breathing was quite bad.
So the itching is terrible, maybe get some anti hisimine tablets or shoot myself lol


Hi, Dianne, I take these.

From my GP on prescription. Have done for years now, doesn’t stop the itching but does make it fairly bearable. The one time I stopped taking it, as I’d not had the problem for some weeks, it came back so bad I wanted to rip my skin off. Back I went on the pills, I take one a day. Now loratadine is for in my case excema, don’t know if it would work for dermatitus too. There are other medications available I think.
My daughter suffers from dermatitus, but she only gets it on her hands & fingers, but hers is not bad enough to go to doc & she uses an over the counter ointment on hers.
Did your doc not suggest medication to you? Maybe ointments, tho medication is better if you get it badly?

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I get hay fever when the pollen count is high. Also had itchy, dry and flaky skin. This has not been so much trouble lately though.

Itchy skin can be a symptom of kidney trouble. Seems to be a lot better since all the medical treatment I’ve had for renal problems,


My GP Doc is not aware how bad it got…The Hospitial gave me One antihistamine which was weird as they usually overload you with a huge parcel amount of stuff…
Thanks Tiff I shall need the Pharmacy on Monday so shall ask for these and see it they stock them… Great when you get a quick response with something like this…Ta Dianne

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If they can supply them do make sure they will work on dermatitus.

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Yes will do the Pharmacy Staff are truly Amazing with advice.

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If anything has coconut in, it I will know in a couple minutes. I don’t know why, like stated above, it come out both ends.

I’m allergic to rabies shot. Got bit by a rat in Turkey and the started to give me the series of rabies shoots in the stomach and swelled up like the hungry kids in Africa, before I even got out of the hospital.

I’m also allergic to the silver looking medical tape. I get a rash from it.

I ate onions like apples when I was a kid. I still like onions, but people around me hate the cause and effect.


Please let me know how you get on.

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will try and recall but a week of medical rendez vous…scream

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I get the same reaction from prawns, I can still eat crab, shrimps and other sea food, it’s just prawns. Once I’ve purged them out of my system I’m as right as rain. I even used to eat King Prawn in Chinese food and no problem. Daren’t try them now though… :078:

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