Do You Go To Sleep

During the day?

Like have a nap? a particular time during the day?

Nope, I never sit that long to get that comfortable. No naps yet for me. But, I do sleep well at night. :blush:

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Not now, but I used to work a lot of nights & did sleep during the day then.

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Only when I feel like getting down onto my relaxation mat. I start off with the intention of just letting myself go, but usually around half way through I’m off to somewhere I’ve mentally floated to and 20 mins have passed. . especially if I have the Estonian Arvo Pärt in the background.
Arvo Pärt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Most days I have too have a nap, I had ME / post viral fatigue syndrome,and was bedridden for three years, I don’t think it ever leaves your body, I was hospitalised x 2 with it,…the professor who I was under, told me I needed to pace myself and listen to what my body is saying to me…so most days it’s telling me to rest up, so I do.

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No I don’t sleep in the day :zzz: sorry dozed off :clown_face:
Serious head on now. No I don’t sleep during the day. When I was working though I used to doze off when I got home. :+1:

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I can’t sleep in the day time unless I’m ill. I can’t stand dozing off when the world is still being busy. I did fall asleep on the train once though and missed my bit to get off. The driver did a last check before the shift change and woke me up :joy:


I don’t know why but it happens almost every day of the week at about 6pm - I’m off counting sheep.

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Good grief - no - far too much to do. 5 hours at night time is more than sufficient for me - I sleep very deeply.

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Yes of course

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Since having problems with my heart I take a power nap almost every day in the afternoon for about an hour.
I do walk/jog for at least five miles after breakfast though.

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It depends on my medication and my stats.

If I am OK and in the limits no, which is great.

If I am not, I do go to sleep and send my stats into the system.

It works for me.

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No, the only time I sleep in the day is if I’m sick

I hate the feeling of sleeping in the day, I always feel really rough when I wake up

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Nope, nights are for sleeping, none of know whats around the corner so the day is for savouring whilst I can.


I fall asleep the minute the tV comes on I just can’t watch it .
So I always have to rewatch what I have missed .


No Pauline, it would be unusual for me these days. I used to do such things when I was a teenager or at Uni but that was from burning the candle at both ends.


I bet that got on your wick Annie…


I have a power nap most days but today I didnt and for some reason here I am at 2am unable to sleep! Got work in morning so I’m going to be tired :tired_face:

It’s all in the mind Lion Queen…

last time I looked at clock was 4.15am…I’m at work now wanting to sleep! 2 and half hours just isn’t enough zzzzzzzzzzzz

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