So you wouldn’t make an exception for someone’s deeply held beliefs but tugged the forelock to someone if they lived in a big posh house? Very British.
My daughter calls in now and then, but other than that, I never have any visitors at all. Now before you all start saying, “lucky you”, I want to make it quite clear; luck has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Occasionally friends just turn up I always feel lucky to have people care about me. It’s a bit like if my phone keeps ringing or a text comes in I may grumble for a moment because I’m 'busy’but then I remind myself how lucky I am . Busy really doesn’t matter as time with good friends is so good .
I do have a little wall plaque hanging outside the front door that says WELCOME
Having lived in the Far East for many years I am accustomed to taking my shoes off before entering a house . I do here I would not dream of walking into someone’s carpeted house with my shoes from outdoor on .
I think it’s an inconsiderate habit .
I tend to ask if they want my shoes on or off when i walk in.
I would like visitors but haven’t had any during the pandemic .
That’s sheer recklessness, susan, there’s no other word for it.
From now on, if we ever get another lockdown then if the subject of a get together with family or friends ever came up I’m going to ask myself…what would Boris do?
I imagine he wouldn’t turn up. I mean, does he even know any of your friends and family?
We tend not to get any visitors other than family, i.e. our son and daughter and their children. We moved from our roots in the south east, and have never really made close friends here, even though we know lots of people. It’s somehow not the same as people you’ve known since childhood, people you’ve grown up with.
So, we’ll pass the time of day with neighbours when we’re outside, over garden walls etc, and have lovely long chats with them, but we’ve never set foot in their houses, nor they in ours. I have several good friends from my working life and we meet up regularly, but always at a coffee bar or pub/restaurant. I’m quite happy with the way things are - our house is our haven, and if I don’t feel like tidying it, it doesn’t matter, haha!
I’ve noticed Artangle that you have a nack of starting some really interesting and lovely thread by asking very clever questions. Thank you.
Melgal, What a really lovely thing for you to say! xx
You are welcome to visit me at any time and l will make a cake especially for you.
Cake? Did someone mention cake?
Ladies only for that cake. You’re out bruce
Bruce… Sing… ‘If I knew you were comin, l’d’ve baked a cake’!
That’s fair enough. Mostly we have laminates but the dog still goes up to the landing. That said, he is very tidy.
I think it is a lovely and interesting thread too, Arty.
Ha! You’re only after a cake too!!
I grew up in an environment where we practically needed an appointment to speak to our parents and was determined that, when I had a home of my own, it would not be like that. My friends have always known they are welcome in my home - at any time - provided they take me as they find me. If I am busy with something I will happily make a drink and a snack but expect the visit to be a short one. If I am not busy - they are welcome to a full meal and to stay as long as they wish. I am hoping - now that the plague is subsiding - that this will start up again.
It is funny though how often friends visits coincided with meal times!!
One particular friend, when first married, would sometimes turn up after having a row with her hubby and ask to stay for the night - I imposed two rules in her case - one, she let him know where she was and, two, when he came to fetch her they didn’t start rowing again until they were out of my home. Thankfully things settled down between them and they had a long and happy marriage.
Different time different rules, however one was a heavy bit of kit and different circumstances.