Do you feel heard?

I agree - and remember being told as a child that was the reason we were given two ears but only one mouth!


I don’t know Demi Lovato but I’d say that the question raised in the OP requires some definition as to what is to be understood by “heard”? And the answers will vary in different contexts and situations.
My take of “being heard” is that it mostly means “being accepted as a person by others” and “feeling like one is right about something and expecting other people to agree or to follow suit”.
I know that I can’t realistically expect to be heard in both senses of the word in any circle and situation but I don’t want to belong to these anyway and, thus, take care not to get involved in them in the first place. Yet in those settings in which I did have and still have to act together with others I can’t complain. Needless to say that people are different and not everyone wants to be the centre of attention nor would they expect to be or even insist on being heard.

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Why do you say “must” listen to others, rather than “should” listen?

On the one hand I also feel sometimes that ‘I’m not heard’ or taken seriously and old age could be responsible. However, now I realise that as I grow older I’m getting more boring, probably because most of my life revolves around the few square miles in and around my home and people are right not to take any notice of me…

But on the other hand…I sometimes hear people quote me and refer to my logic while addressing others…And I realise that they were listening after all, and in all the excitement, it was me that didn’t realise they were listening…I’m going for a lay down now to contemplate what I just said…


We don’t want to hear your snoring while you are contemplating, Bob :wink:

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I think also to be heard, one needs to respect the opinion of another, even if one disagrees with their opinion…I feel very heard, by those who really matter to me,:+1:

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